Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Friday, February 26, 2016

the deafening silence (a psalm to summon sight)

the release of Albert Woodfox
from his forty years
of solitary confinement,
that relentless and unwarranted
spiteful torture
that quarantines and stifles
so many Black Panthers,
ended last week
with the accustomed omission
of the slightest admission
or vaguest hint of apology.

the silence was deafening.

the twin myths of equal justice
in the land of selective personhood
are as shifting and groundless
as the delusional rumours
of democratic intentions
drifting past its bloodied banks
where unrepentant outcasts
lift weary, unruly heads,
treading the savage,
flag waving currents
of foaming, regurgitated hate.

they are bobbing against
the collateral catch of the day,
in the teeming, conscience-fraying nets
of threatening profiles,
zapped, hapless bystanders,
and sundry uncounted
"bad guy" civilians
with their pigments or passiveness,
their peaceful, earthy protests,
indecent indigence,
or sinful feminine parts;
all of the voice-deprived,
inessential children
of a lesser, unprofitable god.

and they drown in the blunted indifference
of America's unique brand
of self-indulgent
arrogant ignorance,
faithfully broadcast
from sea to pitiless sea,
resplendently shining
in the stultifying waves
of exceptional, milky denial.

would that these blithe bombers,
the blinded and boastful
usurpers of homelands
could unravel the patriarchs'
fabled protection,
unscramble their annals
of evasive projection,
and encountering their own
neglected reflection
discover by some
unprecedented miracle
the flickering, recessive remnants
of their hitherto unimagined
quivering humanity.

- Evan Hawthorn, the 26th of February, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aquarian birthday

another rebellious, humanitarian Aquarian;
eccentric, fiercely independent,
sharp as the point of a star,
sharing Charles Dickens' birthday.
she was taken from the world,
and its future is dimmer.
but in the land of selective personhood,
nothing was, nothing is, ever done.
so, one must ask,
to America, did she matter?
about as much as the countless,
voiceless victims
that greed and rampant arrogance
kill every single day.

sunlight splinters the spookhouse

[for those unfamiliar with the earlier exploits of "Sludge White and the Seven
Curmudgeons", the mage of mercy refers to Guanyin, the blind hedge witch.
the carpenter is Nate the Woodsmen (who features vaguely in Disney's Grimm
propaganda.)  and Pally, (one of the barmaids in drag from the 'Gimpy Gait'),
who christened the Curmudgeons' cottage 'the spookhouse in the woods', has
recently recovered from witnessing the obliteration of the children of
ByWater Landing, in Their Majesties' drone attack.]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
the first rays of sunlight splintered the spookhouse
slanting through windows and skidding under doors,
inciting electrons and dozing dust mites
shedding on surfaces and seeping through pores.
as Elsbeth and the monkey settled in their nooks
snatches of birdsong elated the air.
the mage of mercy released a laden sigh
relaxing the grip on her unruffled chair.

dragging snagged thoughts from the dim rim of memory
raking embers burning out in his head
the scratching at last tugged him to consciousness
and the gentle carpenter sat up in bed.
glancing at the dawn glazing Pally's face,
the hint of placid grace that wasn't there before,
he freed his fingers from their trusting clasp
and gingerly tiptoed across the creaking floor.

it took him a moment to register
the slight, spry figure of Squint the cheeky squirrel,
tucked in his haunches and angling his gaze
absently primping his quizzical curl.
winking from the threshold betwixt his rumpled toes
a small pink tourmaline beamed like a star,
instantly ensnaring Nate's attention
an elliptical omen unearthing a scar.

"good morrow, good fellow."  Squint flapped his tail.
"i'm tendering tidings of a pressing behest."
and pausing to consider Nate's tousled hair
"i entreat your pardon for scratching your rest.

the hedge witch suggests an amulet be crafted,
a flute of white pine to house this fey stone.
'tis a remedy for instruments fell,
dispelling the sundering to which they are prone.
she says if you're willing you ought to get on
for the day holds promise from scant to nary.
the ghost of a chance is nigh upon us
and the fates are grudging to those who would tarry."

weighing the pebble in his calloused palm,
Nate blinked as he pondered the inauspicious drift.
then, shrugging his shoulders he nodded assent,
concealing from sight the seer's peerless gift.
his heady scent amidst the pungent pines,
the scrape of fallen branches culled from the forest
jolted Pally to wake up and wonder
when the fence round their senses came to be porous.

the loftier perspective escorting Weepy
unveiled new depths in his empathic dreams
detecting the children of ByWater Landing
buoying Pally's soul and bursting its seams.
on returning he sensed a tense dissension.
the avian chorus was fringed with shrill strain.
and the dissonance seemed to draw nearer
instilling blithe chatter with its burden of bane.

he hastily donned his battered poncho
and beckoning the otter with gurgling clicks
they rode the heels of retreating shadows
while the self starting candles were still trimming wicks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Evan Hawthorn, the 7th of February, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


i've always felt that privilege dwells
in the expected assumption of projected presumption.
the 'we' of our society's designing.
he read "a man was born in a little town."
but he knew already not to expect
that this was HIS story,
that gay, autistic fellow who the police follow
whenever he takes a walk.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

the seamless surface

[in this extract from my novella-poem "Sludge White and the Seven Curmudgeons"
Guanyin,the blind hedge witch from the east, and her attentive apprentice
arrive at the spookhouse in the woods]:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
she took another step on the seamless surface
and the monkey hid his face in his paws;
completely unable to come to grips
with her flat out denial of plausible laws.

he'd done his level best to dissuade her
stretching earthbound maxims as far as they'd extend
but gave up when he noticed the buzzing,
that bee in her bonnet for reality to bend.
so the shivering apprentice dangled
spirited on currents reserved for private flight,
clutching so tightly that his knuckles were numb
to a stringless and sightless, obstinate kite.

though stubbornly cuffing the memory of ground
he was dreading their impending descent.
his sense of balance was rendered uneasy
when breezes abruptly proceeded unbent.
as they angled their way through threaded branches
and the monkey saw his life go zipping by,
a sleepy owl hurled expletives
and a cheeky cicada climbed onto his thigh.

the trees pulled apart, revealing a cottage,
fronted by a garden and flower-draped bier
which the pair of primates neatly avoided
while slightly veering to steer clear of a deer.
and they lightly touched down on the spookhouse stoop
with nary a hitch in Guanyin's striding glide.
wedging a stick for writhing cicadas,
she said "well that's that, then" and blithely walked inside.

- Evan Hawthorn, the 2nd of February, 2016