Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


[the following is my response to a friend of mine telling me that since the election
he is ashamed of being an American for the first time in his life.]
if i believed in artificial, enforced borders,
and accepted the ridiculous conceit that i was
something called an "American",
then i'd have been embarrassed by that fact,
at least since i was nine years old,
and watched the cops shoot at my friends' daddies during the Detroit riots.
by the time i'd become a teenager and learned about the
massacres committed in the nineteenth century,
in detail no functioning heart and stomach could handle,
while i observed the millions of Southeast Asians
being torn to burning bits on my television set,
i already had no illusions about what the society i lived in was all about,
and how its status quo was maintained.

but fortunately, i'm a citizen of the world,
a human being, and an earthling.
and i don't have a smidgen of my sense of self,
of respect, or what people call pride,
invested in a gang of incorporated, arrogant,
myth-spewing, weapon-spreading, misery-profiting,
fear-toting, idiocy-breeding, imperial racists
and bullying gangsters, masquerading as
'the land of the free and the home of the brave'
while excluding almost everyone in my family
from their exceptional un-hyphenated ranks.

it didn't take the election of the Great STrumpet,
the mascot of capitalism,
the next natural step in
Manifest Destiny's retrogression
bleating Ayn Rand's bible,
to open my eyes.

Monday, November 28, 2016

there but for moneyed interests

and just think - if he'd spent his life
serving moneyed interests
while presenting himself as a liberal,
he could have been our president
for the last eight years,
and the "Democrat" apparatchiks
and the dichotomized faithful
with their media-supplied blinders
would be calling for his sainthood.

Friday, November 25, 2016


in exactly the same way that
>>"not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided
that racism isn't a deal breaker.  end of story."<<
is true,
not every Democrat and Republican
is a mass murderer,
but all of them decided
that mass murder isn't a deal breaker.

if people learn the difference
between speeches and actions,
and stop aligning themselves
to the sides of a flipping coin,
we might be able to
change this story,
before it's ended for us.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

the ripping of the lid

1 out of every 28 drone victims is the intended
(guilty or innocent) target.  if you had a weapon
that killed 27 extra people every time you fired it,
wouldn't you destroy it?

at what point is such staggering disregard for human life
considered evil?

in a study of 41 drone strikes,
1,147 human beings were killed,
and each of the 41 purported "bad guys"
had been listed as killed on multiple occasions.

how is it people can be so afraid of a Trump presidency,
but not even bat an eyelash
over the inhuman American status quo?

the 22 veterans who commit suicide every day,
but don't even merit a mention in the media,
have probably grasped the implications of this.

and i expect many profiled persons,
"others" in their own "homeland",
are no more afraid than they were before.

it didn't take the Epitome of the System
ripping off its deluding, distracting lid
to open some of our eyes.

but perhaps, with so many blinders down,
now is the time to come together
and try to establish representative Democracy.

it would be nice if its "beacon"
actually tried it once.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

gateway question

so, given the dependably consistent bullying
by the enforcers of privilege
when they believe someone is in their grasp
whose complexion fits the
sanctioned profile
that releases the lever on their
fused impotence,
this is what i want to know:

is policing POT a GATEWAY BUST?