Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Saturday, January 28, 2017

everyone else is threatening

alas!  just look at how threatening everyone else is...

imagine, if you will,
that we lived in a totally insane country
that spewed out weapons and death
like the Great Strutting STrumpet harnesses hate.

that contrary to its myths about good intentions,
this theoretical democracy had been exporting death
in its Moby Dick obsession for "full spectrum dominance"
since day one.

imagine how it would be if neither faction
in its closed-rank two-party system
were willing to do anything about it,
because they were both being funded by it's chief beneficiaries.

imagine that they hired guns
to keep their dissenting population in check,
empowered, of course,
to shoot the least priveleged at will.

what would that look like?
how much death would its own people
inflict on themselves?
who would they eventually
elect to lead them?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

a hemorrhaging silence

in 2014, while 55 soldiers
lost their lives in foreign occupations,
269 active service members
and over 7,400 veterans
succeeded in taking their own.

what this says,

unanimously consigned to a hemorrhaging silence
by terror's own trinity
of patriotic profit, duplicitous parties, and lobotomizing media,
says more about
what they're about
than anything else that they say.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

happy new year

as it happened,
this didn't matter to Americans,
despite Orwell's warnings and Edward Snowden's
breathlessly selfless sacrifice
(and notwithstanding the prattle about 'protecting our freedom').
but with the escalating shock
of big brother's karmic devolution
into such a blatantly ugly incarnation...

"perhaps they'll listen now."