Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Saturday, April 28, 2018

*<*>>>>>* dictation gleaned while on the lamb *<<<<<*>* (a whimsical, unvested manifesto from the right thinking Easter Bunny's divisive unbehooved cousin; the nefariously unglossed, rabidly unboxed, radical Rabbit of Dissension)

they were first grown

as carrots,

quite content
in and of themselves;

offspringing offspring,

tumbling humbly
from the hummed fumblings
of bumbly bees,

and communing
with their
meadow rooting fellows,

long before some
presumptuous primate

stumbled upon them

and rumbled
their unprofitable destiny;


even before
the meaningless depths

from history's
on its
blighted rightest side

were repackaged
as immaculate,
evacuated memory;

and long before
even this,

in the
competitive wake

of our
precedent setting


in the predawn's
spawning yawning

when Bugs Bunny's
mopsy and flopsy
mop and pop flock

of continuously
lolloping stock

incidentally interrupted
their winsome,
thumping spin

of Saturday night hops
and flippity flops
on floppity tops

and the unbridled
of dna swaps,

for the nonce

the shopping
for succulent cropping,

and all that

field mouse

i say unto thee

the carrots
still thought they were free

when the cinema's
"what's up Doc?"
trickster vixen

and consummate
cartoonish transvestite

was naught
but an

the rollicking
of sparking eyes

and that hapless
of harebrained ancestors

sowed the
accidental seeds
stereotypical addiction

so casually
bandied about
in the
emptying gestures

of an
idling jester's

sullied and

to trite
commercial stardom.

* ***** ******* ******* *****
- Evan Hawthorn, the 29th of April, 2018

Saturday, April 14, 2018

a mourning for man unkind **<>>>>>>>>*<<<<<<<<>** (good guys and defensive intelligence: the myths that make America fake)

was there ever any doubt

that France

(taking a break from
undermining West African independence
and circumventing plans
for their crushed-with-Gaddafi currency)

and Britain

(unsettled by the setting
of its commons-stealthed sun,
and the tarnished fraying reins
round a laboured, illiberal party)

would collaborate
with the Buffoon of Oz
in his latest round

of pitiless
and vicious
man-dated terror?

(goaded again
by the imploding Deep State,

those proliferating agencies
of militant "intelligence"

 the Feed-Me-Seymour
demonizing beast
of offensive "defense"

in cahoots with the empire's
enterprising editorial enablers,
hallucinating generals
and bobbing talking heads,

and the Hollywood stumping,
sexting and pumping
adolescent dream catchers

all flanked by the planked,

stuffed and vetted,
right and righter parties.)

for prior to playing

mass-murderer's tag
with Vietnam's invasion,

and even before Churchill's
"healthful terror"
poured chemical weapons
out of airplanes,

clearing the way
of "dog in the manger"
for Israel's virgin birth

the pirate triumvirate
had inconspicuously formed;

that lawless consensus

of contrived connivance
and border hoarding,
UN distorting bullies

in their Colonial
Rogue Axis
of Lesser

and Greater
Unspeakable Evil,

who can always be

counted on
to misrepresent

their savage intentions

as they pander
the plundering patriarchs'

heroic democracy
to delusion-consuming
patriotic sheep

while they demean

and dehumanize,
project their

brutal crimes upon,
rape the minerals
and aspirations of,

and consistently deny
connection to

any off-white life
they happen to run over.

but fear not,
Alzheimer's "good guys"
have rigged
the prised, divided sides,
sidling the cries of history.

for the CIA
who terrorized MLK,
prodding his suicide
and probably arranging
his murder;

(but never mind all that)

the same CIA
who robbed us
of so many Black Panthers

(the best community organizing,
democracy boosting heroes
the sixties produced),

along with several
"good" (dead) indians
and Leonard Peltier,
still rotting in his cell;

they who've toppled
dozens and dozens
of other people's governments,
and spent untold millions
unstabling dissent;

who piloted their exported torture
from university laboratories
to the seventies' argmageddon
thrust on Latin America,

consigning populations everywhere
to dictated hopelessness,
cruelty, and misery

because our owners
don't make enough money

from other-people focused,
duly demonized

that never dozing CIA
who dreamed up al Qaeda
to saddle the Soviets

with their
monarchist, extremist
bosom buddies
and birds of a feather
apartheid enforcers,
outfitted and funded ISIS;

they who've misled the American public
into countless wars
of blatantly illegal aggression,

are currently spying
on every creature in creation,

sharing their homegrown
apple pie files
with the 'Five Eyes'
(that sneaky league
of English speaking,
bromanced scooping snoops);

yes they,
the CIA
are always on the job

protecting this
we've learned to call

and when anyone
airs their
preternaturally dirty laundry,
they go after them
for 'espionage'

proving that,
like Obama
(and all his presidential precedents)
they see
We the People

(the redundant
remaindered citizens
those unAmerican whistleblowers
attempt to inform)

as enemies of
the "interests" of
"the state."


so heed their call
for all out war
with Boris, Natasha,
and Simon Bar Sinister

(and whatever other
"bad guys"
they open a season

shield us from
unauthorized purveyors
of independent,
unregurgitated thought;

guide our trusting feet
from the paths of
unseemly discord
arranged by
strangely accented
or off-colour evildoers

who would dare inform us
of unconscionable greed's
essential and
exceptional crimes.

we can always
count on them,
the CIA
and those 16 other
mushrooming toadstools
of aspersion, coercion,
and devious diversion

to work AGAINST US,

consistently and viciously,

every chance they get.

so buck up, America,
and grab another gun.

Uncle Sam is calling you
to a brand new,
oil-spurting "homeland".

the barely noticed fact
that the party that insists
it's "Democratic"

(despite the woeful record
of wasted majorities,
the stolen primaries,
and the completely ignored content
of all those endlessly broached,
messenger-punishing emails)

has chosen this moment
to climb into bed
with insecurity's
intelligence firmament

under the Times and the Post's
apparency of resistance,
(and all their other covers)

while Trump's slight of farce
is awakening
so many 'progressive'
donkey-blindered Rumplestiltskins
for the very first time

should make people realize
how desperate the oligarchs,
spooked by the
looming silk road
in their rear view mirrors,
have become

and how pivotal this moment
actually is.


it's either George Orwell's
from now until
major cities
are flooded
and the blowback comes home

or we find
within our
quaking selves

an honest revolution.


it's either a sane,
multi-polar world,
based on equality,
and democracy all around,

even for pigmented,
third world,
and otherwise
unprofitable persons

(which means
the Deep State's
zombie army
of corporate operatives
and lavishly funded
bipartisan mass murderers
who call their
endless state of war

have to finally be stopped
in their presumptive
bloodied tracks

from their relentless pursuit
of "full spectrum dominance")

or it's the end of the
dubious experiment
of 'intelligent' primates

traipsing the harrowed margins
of the unrequited earth.

* ***** ******* * ******* ***** *
- Evan Hawthorn, the 14th of April, 2018