and would that be
the very same,
profit curbed,
barbed preserve of privilege
"rule of law"
along with its
precedent abetting,
sun at last setting,
rebellion ceding,
dialect weeding,
shadow pleating
mentors in crime,
wiped out an
uncountable multitude
of unexplored
languages and cultures
(in natural company
with a ghosted host
of unlooked for treasures
and cures to diseases),
whilst warping, enslaving,
and downtroddening
the unimagined futures
of abducted and exploited
interrupted generations
of unrecognised relations?
surely the same haloed
broken taillight,
lynched, penned and juried,
minority quelling "rule of law"
with the dawning
of intervention awnings
in that Twain awakening
Philippine "liberation" massacre
boded the greatest degeneration
of obscene wealth veneration's
hitherto bloodiest century,
ushering in an unparalleled
international crime spree
(causing Noam Chomsky
to matter-of-factly observe
"if the Nuremberg laws were applied,
then every post-war American president
would have been hanged.")
doubtless, then,
the proclaimed selfsame,
strangely embedded,
spearhead "spreaded"
tooled and ruled "law"
the kept media so meticulously
fails to fathom
in the Grim Reaper's lockstep
ministries of dashed hopes
perennially sprouting
sepulcher seeds
of bipartisan blissed,
profit blasting
amassings of misery,
offensively intensed,
fenced and recompensed
by the "only essential"
Godfather of organised terror
relentlessly brandishing
his 'exceptional'
whack-a-mole hammer and scythe
from the self-appointed
leaders of the free world's
denying choice to others
example thwarting arsenal
bristling with
righteous pirate,
punch-drunk Pilate,
starvation sanctions,
coups, and outright
down through
battered and blistered
encrypted history's
collusion dictated,
technology exacerbated,
blanket infectioned,
selectively inspectioned,
insurrection confectioned,
(election correctioned)
we know what's best for you
string of lauded,
creased and pocketed,
'right-sided' decades
managing to rid that
patriotically impaired,
mined and mined,
pared from shared,
rocket red glared
"global battlefield"
millions of "collateral",
margined, and shunted,
voiceless and choiceless
humane beings
and othered living things
in those myriad
kaleidoscope tinted,
refugee tented,
element stripped,
brotherhood skipped,
disrespected homelands
from the very inception
of its presumption blessed,
firework fluted,
independence repossessed,
blood stained,
freedom waned,
forted day
and gluttony knighted
hate reigning rain.
but surely,
even reclusive apparitions
of gated aliens on Mars
(at least the curious ones
with perking antennae)
must have noticed by now,
like a slow falling shoe
from some
dragging heeled limbo,
lying in fate sated wait
for the sixth little piggy's
home to roost karma,
Manifest Destiny's
myth soaked,
Hollywood cloaked,
pride stroked,
machismo poked,
heroically invoked,
power addicted,
whiteness inflicted
(and complacently depicted),
"intelligence" conflicted,
toasted boasting
"good guy" guised eyes
beamed and moated,
anoint the "bad guys",
make our day/
lives of the rich and famous,
they hate us for our freedom,
might makes all the rights,
media constructed
Frankenstein heir apparent;
that "protection" racket
bracketing distraction;
that poster child
for Wee Willy Syndrome;
that Grand Poobah
of delusion's illusion,
the abdicated media's
ticket to ride register
that never stops ringing,
the preening and strutting,
curtain congealing
Buffoon of Oz himself
ALREADY TOOK those freakin' gloves off!
THAT's the clinching reason
the domination bidding,
Wall Street stoic,
threat ridden and paranoiac,
sociopathic establishment's
immaculately funded,
planked and choreographed,
right thinking and tanking,
rank flanking consortium
resistance/persistence "Democrats",
faith based factless "liberal" acolytes,
culpability redacting dictationers,
syncopated and trolling
'practical' practitioners,
assassins, spies,
broken imploding generals,
armchair testosterone hankerers,
mongering stenographers,
regime creaming cheerleaders,
and all those hoi alloyed boy toyed
bleached and bubbleheaded mouthpieces
are so very disconcerted.
you thought
it was OUR "interests"
the blinding and binding,
fleeced world "policing",
defensively genocidal,
night of the unliving
McCarthy regurgitated,
traitor baited, patriot plated,
'progressively' possessive
popular-azzi had in mind?
there is no choice
in the plaqued
lack thereof.
the self choosing
"chosen" uppity primates,
so myopically aware of their
scaled and hailed
unequaled awareness,
made in the image
of teaming's imperious
and segregational
godly imagined-"nation"
ironically twisting
question is,
will the invention
of television,
with its blaringly incessant
appearance focused,
simplistic and hocused,
compulsive identification,
consumptive isolation,
reason compartmentalised,
context buried,
sound bitten
and sense fragmented,
compassion stilled,
commonality abandoned,
need drilled,
pandered, dandered,
and killing field frilled
branding of "American culture",
and lining of all that sand
turn out to actually
be responsible
for the banged,
drawn out,
pitifully whimpered
end of humankind's
eternally clueless,
savagely rueless,
empathically rootless,
mind-bendingly fruitless
blink of an eye sojourn
on its mother's only earth?
- Evan Hawthorn, the last fay slant of a Maying's frayed rays, 2019
the very same,
profit curbed,
barbed preserve of privilege
"rule of law"
along with its
precedent abetting,
sun at last setting,
rebellion ceding,
dialect weeding,
shadow pleating
mentors in crime,
wiped out an
uncountable multitude
of unexplored
languages and cultures
(in natural company
with a ghosted host
of unlooked for treasures
and cures to diseases),
whilst warping, enslaving,
and downtroddening
the unimagined futures
of abducted and exploited
interrupted generations
of unrecognised relations?
surely the same haloed
broken taillight,
lynched, penned and juried,
minority quelling "rule of law"
with the dawning
of intervention awnings
in that Twain awakening
Philippine "liberation" massacre
boded the greatest degeneration
of obscene wealth veneration's
hitherto bloodiest century,
ushering in an unparalleled
international crime spree
(causing Noam Chomsky
to matter-of-factly observe
"if the Nuremberg laws were applied,
then every post-war American president
would have been hanged.")
doubtless, then,
the proclaimed selfsame,
strangely embedded,
spearhead "spreaded"
tooled and ruled "law"
the kept media so meticulously
fails to fathom
in the Grim Reaper's lockstep
ministries of dashed hopes
perennially sprouting
sepulcher seeds
of bipartisan blissed,
profit blasting
amassings of misery,
offensively intensed,
fenced and recompensed
by the "only essential"
Godfather of organised terror
relentlessly brandishing
his 'exceptional'
whack-a-mole hammer and scythe
from the self-appointed
leaders of the free world's
denying choice to others
example thwarting arsenal
bristling with
righteous pirate,
punch-drunk Pilate,
starvation sanctions,
coups, and outright
down through
battered and blistered
encrypted history's
collusion dictated,
technology exacerbated,
blanket infectioned,
selectively inspectioned,
insurrection confectioned,
(election correctioned)
we know what's best for you
string of lauded,
creased and pocketed,
'right-sided' decades
managing to rid that
patriotically impaired,
mined and mined,
pared from shared,
rocket red glared
"global battlefield"
millions of "collateral",
margined, and shunted,
voiceless and choiceless
humane beings
and othered living things
in those myriad
kaleidoscope tinted,
refugee tented,
element stripped,
brotherhood skipped,
disrespected homelands
from the very inception
of its presumption blessed,
firework fluted,
independence repossessed,
blood stained,
freedom waned,
forted day
and gluttony knighted
hate reigning rain.
but surely,
even reclusive apparitions
of gated aliens on Mars
(at least the curious ones
with perking antennae)
must have noticed by now,
like a slow falling shoe
from some
dragging heeled limbo,
lying in fate sated wait
for the sixth little piggy's
home to roost karma,
Manifest Destiny's
myth soaked,
Hollywood cloaked,
pride stroked,
machismo poked,
heroically invoked,
power addicted,
whiteness inflicted
(and complacently depicted),
"intelligence" conflicted,
toasted boasting
"good guy" guised eyes
beamed and moated,
anoint the "bad guys",
make our day/
lives of the rich and famous,
they hate us for our freedom,
might makes all the rights,
media constructed
Frankenstein heir apparent;
that "protection" racket
bracketing distraction;
that poster child
for Wee Willy Syndrome;
that Grand Poobah
of delusion's illusion,
the abdicated media's
ticket to ride register
that never stops ringing,
the preening and strutting,
curtain congealing
Buffoon of Oz himself
ALREADY TOOK those freakin' gloves off!
THAT's the clinching reason
the domination bidding,
Wall Street stoic,
threat ridden and paranoiac,
sociopathic establishment's
immaculately funded,
planked and choreographed,
right thinking and tanking,
rank flanking consortium
resistance/persistence "Democrats",
faith based factless "liberal" acolytes,
culpability redacting dictationers,
syncopated and trolling
'practical' practitioners,
assassins, spies,
broken imploding generals,
armchair testosterone hankerers,
mongering stenographers,
regime creaming cheerleaders,
and all those hoi alloyed boy toyed
bleached and bubbleheaded mouthpieces
are so very disconcerted.
you thought
it was OUR "interests"
the blinding and binding,
fleeced world "policing",
defensively genocidal,
night of the unliving
McCarthy regurgitated,
traitor baited, patriot plated,
'progressively' possessive
popular-azzi had in mind?
there is no choice
in the plaqued
lack thereof.
the self choosing
"chosen" uppity primates,
so myopically aware of their
scaled and hailed
unequaled awareness,
made in the image
of teaming's imperious
and segregational
godly imagined-"nation"
ironically twisting
question is,
will the invention
of television,
with its blaringly incessant
appearance focused,
simplistic and hocused,
compulsive identification,
consumptive isolation,
reason compartmentalised,
context buried,
sound bitten
and sense fragmented,
compassion stilled,
commonality abandoned,
need drilled,
pandered, dandered,
and killing field frilled
branding of "American culture",
and lining of all that sand
turn out to actually
be responsible
for the banged,
drawn out,
pitifully whimpered
end of humankind's
eternally clueless,
savagely rueless,
empathically rootless,
mind-bendingly fruitless
blink of an eye sojourn
on its mother's only earth?
- Evan Hawthorn, the last fay slant of a Maying's frayed rays, 2019