Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Thursday, February 27, 2020

the apathy of manacled choice, unattended hearts, and reined brains (a quixotic apostrophe, mused in translation)

all those noncompliant people
so righteously, indignantly,
de rigueur simplistically
dismissed as apathetic.

like calling
the mystically pliant
careening overweening
peer adhered
right to interfere,
progressively possessive,
benevolence bewitched,
causality pitched,

star blazed
superiority enditched,

thing crushed whitewashed
unread and bruised majority
currently struggling
with the fleeting indiscreet,
ash bedusted body's
host of hosted weighty issues

just a screen weaned
not to be
indulgent swine.

yet surely there's
a shark encircled
circumventing nest
of fetchingly
unstinting causes

compounded by 'interests',

divinely complexed,

immaculately maintained
by revolving doored,
ambitiously spored,
morality cored,
lavishly funded zombie armies
of corporate operatives

manning both
self perpetuating,
side sewn,
rammed, hemmed,
and spangle strewn,

competing Orwellian ministries of truth

grinding their primed prone stones 24 7,

hemorrhaging trust
in the never yet
even close to fulfilled
promise of democracy

as exceptionally practiced

(to reverse vectored perfection)

in a piracy beholden,
rifled and scolding
transubstantiated "homeland's"

(bought and preyed for)

policy proof,
humanity aloof,
apathy inducing hypocrisy.

and if the mere
ghost of a chance
meaningful change

should appear on that
lied stultified,
cravings paved,
genocide gentrified,
independence staved
blithely abided bleak horizon,

such as that offered
by the Green New Deal,

through an aging hippy's
careworn zeal,

frightening that rumbling
conceit of a nation's
fable enstabled,
elite piqued, heckling decked,
pickled pecking wrecking order
with a decades in the staking
begging to differ decency,

(though never in fact straying
to the left of Roosevelt;

a Risk playing upper crusting confidant
of "spread a lively terror" Winston's,

whose letters reveal his sharpened eye
on top of the world
power inflicting future

waiting to count the corpses
bathing the waded Russian front
before deciding with which
Eurofying side to ally
in that eighty million sodded soul
exemplary templed war
that by the by,
in a biding idolled by,
thanks to the inventive wonders
of the right sidling progress
of airborne aggression,

abandoned trenched battlefields
for drenched cities and villages,
relocating Death's grisly theatres
and cascading civilian casualties
for all time to come,

and who managed nonetheless
to leave a depression impressioned,
"socialist" abstracted,
concessionally coerced legacy) 

and sweetening the deal,
the equally appalling
establishment galling
empathied unity
of those pesky wrestlers
right reelings' keel

nettling Dame Pelosi's
skeletal smile,

that colourful
heartful handful
of radically earnest
young ladies

so very disconcerting
to male dominance's
paydirt squirting,
crudely spurting,
dude protruding
eminently shaky prominence

looming in the doom,

as rare as a blue moon
falling on a
strung together month
of honestly rayed,
grace enspaced,
equality timed
leap year days,

a valid reason
couldst rose up the dawn

reviving the abandoned hopes
of wised up recalcitrants,
nay sayers and ne'er do wells,
millennial belles,
'undesirable' swells,

and all those other
teamless eyed,
vanity unstained
Cain untrained
obstaining hesitants

defamed by the empire's
Sunday go to meetin'
church of right lurchin'
latter day status quo
only our do-so-do
shiny new mouthpieces

to bring them back
to the polls' doled folds
of separately corralled,
bred and rued,
bossily glossed
sleep voting sheep

for there might finally be 
a chance in hell
to actually change
the suicidal system.

as for whether or not
the pockets that lace
the system in place

might actually allow
such a drastic thing
to happen,

well that's
another question,
not meant for the
faint of heart.

but putting up more
of the non change
we've had all this time
is a sure fire way
to convince

the unbanked ranks
crowned by good's hood
sacking smacking
back tracked and patting
pushmi pullyu
absurdity herded
tribal hocus reworded
nation's interest intruders'

undeluded un-colluders

to stay at home
and hand another
oh! so shocking,
reality restocking,
us and them reblocking,
history jumbling,
'good guy' cover fumbling

heart stopping election

to the only baited grating beast
the resistance persistence
of CIA embedding,
'furriner' dreading,
independence shedding,
creasing reason,
treason seasoned
faith based "Democrats"

seem to be capable of grasping.

but for fortune's
distortions and sighs,
in practical styes.)

for it ought to be plain by now
that the paid to bray
brokered donkeys
didn't lose their dominoed
slate of state houses
and stranglehold
of held at bay prey
roped in minorities
due to hay rolled apathy.

more than half a century
of the less is more
effective evil's
photoshopped trollops
passing on the right,
remorselessly upping
the mongers'
mushroom clouded ante,

steadily defunding that
woefully disinformed citizenry
with third world demolishing
smoothly polished admonishings,
siphoned appropriations,
and the shafting lack thereof

seductively laden
with celebrity glittered,
espionage littered,
skittering, embittering,
change dangled and frittering
consistent betrayals
of the very notion
of representation itself

were bound to tip
the slipping scales
from 'apathetic'
(or put another way,
harder to manipulate)

glaring omissions,
colonial commissions,
and choreographed evasions
do have consequences
after all

regardless of the
ubiquitously blared,
trumpeted and glared,
profiteer pursed,
insecurity cursed,
brotherhood hearsed,
walled street sweeping keepers'
aversed narrative verse
of the Boris Badenov
privilege tillaged,
fly in the spyware
tech infected
elsewhere deflected,
McCarthy resurrected,
evidence never inspected
lamely aimed maimings of blame.


as for the banding about
of a "perfectionist" trope
such a culpability eluding
scarecrow narrowed scope

the choiceless choice stackers
and mayonnaised crackers'
repented sense consensus
of sororitied authority's
duly designated
apocalypse eclipsed
ludicrously scrutinous
irreligious slackers,
traitorous hackers,
dissenting quackers,
and that
Putin bootied bevy
of useful tool whackers;

those marginalized,
socialist polluted,
grumpily encooted
ideally unsuited backers
of an on the outs
recalcitrant old man

conforming with
all his acceptable rivals
and hosing's
docent chosen
farcical "impartial"
moderators thereof,

proudly dons
the protection racket's
collateral spattering,
felt guilt tattering,
naked aggression
and metal pedalling
silver lining jacket,

dutifully signs,
every apartheidtide,
the Senate's love letters
for Palestine Pentacost's
slight of holocaust
adolescent "mowing" lent,

always chimes in
for the this ain't us
great hymnbook's
irresponsive readings
of omitted provocations
and unison demonisations

that conveniently dish
every independent attempt
by our indigenous,
impoverished, and
more colourful neighbours
to improve their
subservience allotted lot

with those "tyrants"
they insist on electing 
despite their betters'
self buttering,
business buttressing,
local elite meet and greet
red fish blue fish
butted in wishes,

and who,
that last sultry summer
the great awakening
of Saint Obama's

handsomely blindered
to side bridled evil,

mind numbed
by pretty talk,

balked by
exclusive intrusive,
well intentioned caulk,

progressively repressive
illiberal militarists,

left unanswered
the Green's nick of time
sacrificial offer
to top their ticket
when he was trouncing
the strutting s'Trump'et
in the polls,

campaigning instead
for democracy's
still at large
manipulative bandits
who wouldst,
then and again,
trespass against him,

could hardly
be described
with even a modicum
of audacitied veracity

(when it comes to these
selective awareness,
conscience easing,
a dream is a wish
our slide brakes,
alternatives fendered,
ineffectively rendered,
tender on a bender
elective quadrennial
circuses anyway.)

that archly starched,
prefabricated argument,
dragged out amidst
its sea of despondency
every four years

like a predated bouncing check
of petrified prevarification
drawn on
the "freedom" fiefdom's
feudal sheaf,

that never turning leaf,

boxed in its toxic pox
of liberty mocking
apple pie in your eye,
us or the highway,
goodwill silled,
heroically billed
Crusader Invaders'
grilling gleam,

its utility of futility
a fit for the lidding
of that sepulchral
American Century's
bidding and seaming
we own the world dream,

grooving on its guised,
energising trance

shifting rifted sands
other peoples' borders

in that Russian ballerina
insignificance enhanced

terrorist embarrassment
reluctance to advance

maelstrom hailed to no avail

crossed line dance,

unfurling it's Jolly Roger
spreading democracy sails,

jingling the ignored,
conquest digressed,

(we know what's best)

skulduggery ruggery
gist of its mails,

that can only be plated,

not to say exacerbated,

by seeing this the way
the wall to wall,
identically rhymed,

monarchist allegiance
donkey eared stenographers

(installing their thrall)

oblige their hallowed hollowers'

obedient followers

sinking in the shallows
fallowed swallowers

to see it,

as a choice between anyone and Trump.

and yet,

an unbidden unscripted dash
from unimpressed perception's
unplushed brush

(though to be sure it profits
the war prophets naught,

forgoing their fell
inky wells
the Ponce de León
eternal global battlefield,
knowledge unacknowledged,
spy unspied, assassin dyed,
murderous legacy denied

runnething over fountain
infernal innocence

forever spurtin'
frilled "news" curtain
shepherded self deception),

would nevertheless

seem to suggest

a never ending
rarely reported
in context contest

(and war to the death
of life berthed on earth)

between the
pyrrhic vampiric palely veiled,
solidarity impaling, plunder hailed,
world phobic and pitchfork tailed,
Western centred, peasant bailed,
colonial tutorial fenced and railed,

grasp clasped upper class
consumptive presumptive
incorporated oligarchy

that owns practically
the whole planet,

prides itself on smashing
any attempts at independence
the world over,

exempts itself,
in broad daylight
pridefully enfranchised
bipartisan arts
offshored artful dodges

from obscene preening's
foreign threat projecting,
prospective insurrecting,
devil's plaything perfecting,
stooge stewing, coup accruing,
and brouhaha brewing taxes,

and lavishly finances,
talon over clenched fist,
unminding man-unkinds'
spectacularly abetted,
roadrunner rapid
ostrich headed
vapidly onsetted extinction

and we the imperfect
and currently
powerless people,

who have no party
to represent us,

and no free press

save that boarded hoarding
of mangled angling
amnesia fleeced graftings
crafting the agenda
spooking inequality's
manic ingress,

too invested in taking dictation
from interests' interests

to illuminate that
which they
immaculately redact,

let alone
those rattling shades
truth to power,

or even attempt
brace us

for what is surely coming.

almost all of the
sleekly reeked,
liberal beaked,
the lords are in their
counting house cliqued,
greased allaying,
introspection slaying
buoyed decoys

mounted by
the terminal nominal
"democrat" half
of the locked in
status quo
two party firmament

are gainfully employed
by the same
Herod's carrots
and Ayn Rand pricked
austeritied parody
lucre finned,
winning dinned,
ambition honeyed
saboteurs, provocateurs,
and monied moles;

those libertied tolling
soulless trolls
insatiable power affliction's

tacitly unquestioned,
complacently shrugged

racist presumption,
invasive predilection,
and freedom to destroy.

and though the
co-miserating media's
Frankenstein snarling,
curtain concealing,
all engrossing
rating's darling
is surely
the ugliest wart
that ever blossomed
relentlessly trotted out
identity slotting,
rot besotting plotted clot
of human disconnection's
parasitic infection
we've grown accustomed
to calling "leaders"

on almost every issue
that matters to this


"the least of these"

(thou unpersoned for me)

citizen of the earth

that is,
that has anything to do
with ceasing or reversing
what we're doing
unto others,

almost every single issue

save only those
incisively divisive
fraught social chasms
we're allowed,
nay, coaxed,
within the mainstream's
tightly scripted beams
to spar our oars about

(providing so convincingly
the riveting backdrop
for that numero uno
weapons' pimp
vaulted flag pole runner up
gross domestic product
of democracy

with its piped in bumper harvest
of sniper striped, posse lurking,
emotive explosive,
defensively offensing,
expletively entreating,
corrosive and useless
ad nauseum repeating,
compassion depleting, logic defeating
tweets and tweedle dumbed
astonishingly porous
contrary chorus

meant to occlude our
sound byte smitten,
tattle addled,
commodity saddled,
scattered and embattled
compartmentalized focus

in the carefully narrowed
miniscule notch
on that Overton window

that matters not in the least
which way it turns out
to the powers that own
the frames that tame us,

and consisting,
of course,
the par for that course,
of all that the
abdicated media

exclusively infotains
its foresight forsook,
intentionally mistook,
reality rooked,
indefensible context
entirely overlooked,
hooked by crooks
nooked flockings about),

they, all of them,

those other ring flung,

(and in the darkness bind them)

harmonious euphonious
respective nominees
in that elusively vented,
waftily consented,
democracy absented
vacuous breeze,

and often,
even that obstreperous
old trickster as well

(in keeping with the
left outright
and clefted center

warping portals
barges of denial
beached blonde
and bomber ken
snide bona fide
dead eyed Gumbys

humming their mummeries,

plumbing the depths
of depthlessness,

funneling channels
and pummeling papers,

broken toy generals and stalking heads,

and the rest of those posing,
manicured and vetted,
cloaking brokered asses
and rape gaping, sated,
bludgeoning trunks,

yanking their ranking stank
on endlessly regurgitated,
pandered and fatuous
patriotic chords);

always and forever,

more dependably certain
than the death
wrought by taxes
on people of colour,

than the fascism
bred at home
on Hollywood yeast
for over a hundred years,

than the absolute dearth
raving paranoia's
blithe despisals
prequel reprisals
comprising the
military "intelligence",


till the synched credits roll
and the bets stroll in
on the setting sun
of thought's besought

(war taught, whore bought,
blown back karma caught)

dazzled by its razzle,
sizzled off its rails,

tripped up in the irony
of homegrown coffin nails,

failed uppity primate experiment,

every last emphatically practical,
empirically tactical,
power thrilling,
independence chilling,
war crime inured,
minority culling police endured,

realistically proffered,
wham crammed laminated "choice"

comes down on the
very same contemptuous

suffering for "others" sanctified,
our importance reified,
intervention deified,
super hero armchair
sportily identified,
we're the best
conquest blessed,
haloed hollowed patriot lore,
glorified nation hooded gore

(what are we here for?)

don't let the other team score,
winningest ever
"indispensable" corps
the Masters of War
guild guided

abiding side with Trump.


and so this fey heretic
heart choked awoke
bespoken sibling
our mother's othered children

wouldst verily ask

if he just
threw in the towel
voted for the next slated
Column A, insider rated a-ok,

convincingly invasive
and collusion groomed,
negative vacuum loomed,

Lucy's incredible inflating pigskin
eternally exhumed,

vulnerable brethren in the Global South
inescapably predoomed,

ever worse ogre
contrastingly perfumed,

the meaning of democracy
hypnotically consumed

pitiless psychopath anyway

in the hell


make him apathetic?


- Evan Hawthornthe ides of tithing sides a-leaping; February2020

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

the trial of truth, tolled in pictures

next Monday will not be the day
the promise of democracy dies.

that loss,

to distraction's concerted deflection,

lingers unmourned.


blithe collusion's
siding of "history"

will bring

with ironic grim echoes,
drowning freedom's ring,

the sounding hammer blow
that seals its silenced coffin.

- Evan Hawthorn, the 18th of never, 2020