would like to thank them. for it explains so perfectly how the mainstream fixed agenda called "the news" works, in all of its "conservative" and "liberal" receptor flavoured varieties. and, of course, it also illumines the entirely consistent foreign policy of whichever party you're allowed to vote for.
almost all of it projection, in 24-7 desensedaround sound, on unison screens tarped over the starred and striped Hollywood tailored "exceptional" (left out causation) never ending series of gaping memory holes. it's how it happens that the domination afflicted AngloEmpire's capital scalpelled Jack the Ripper will complain about those perversely independent surly victims who will insist on scratching his face, and the news, and Congress, of course, all pitch right in, demanding something be done about the threat of long fingernails.
it was only fifty years ago that MLK first pointed this out, when he grasped that the United States was the greatest purveyor of terror that the earth had ever known. that was, in fact, the reason they killed him (on the one year anniversary, no less, of his official outing of the "Defense" Racket's Vietnamese jacket.) but the wall to wall propaganda is so efficiently done, and the science of aligning primate brains, so very refined, that most people, alas, have yet to catch on.
as Harold Pinter said when he received his Nobel prize, "The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”
and so the protractedly distracted faith based followers of the "Democrats" and "Republicans" go on giving their consent to the red vs. blue (but mostly white,) militant (Risk™ playing) monster bent on world domination (which naturally it projects, onto the Russians and the Chinese, and the Cubans and the Libyans, and the Venezuelans and etc. etc., but you get the picture.) for here it is, in lifeless virtual colour, spilling right out of that shiny "democracy & freedom"/pridefully hollowed monied independence warped into mined conformity in the bomb bursted air, made in America nutshell.
psychopathic projection, since the get go.