Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

disorder of the day

and as Alfonso and i add
another blanket to our sleep chair,

there they are,

having lost their belongings
as they fled falling shrapnel
collapsing cherished roofs
to the very edge
their abducted open air prison,

occupied by "freedom & democracy"
(for us but not for you™);

shivering in wind wrapped tents,

listening for the revving
of approaching death,

looming in the "rules based" hoarders'

ordering of sky.

Monday, January 1, 2024

the night terror's error

so there we were, seeping sleep,
and rat-a-tat-tat-a-tat-tat
entered fiercely therein,

and it came to me i ought
to rouse myself,
for mayhaps mass murder
was taking place across the street.

moments later
finally waded in.

'twas naught but the
coordinated sifting
profit ridden rigging's
vigorous churning
fictional "years,"

when people cheer
the convened convenience
of closing compartmental doors
on what they've seen and done,

and pretend to enter another,

differently (indifferent)
narratively cordoned
(reflection ill afforded)

"good luck" ordered
(delusion blithely bordered) "happy new year."

and sighing sweet
(in the deeps replete)
the earth swivelled
on around
to fleetly face the sun

(on yet another imaginary
minutely measured "side")

the umpteen quadrillionth time.

and tickled by the two-leggeds'
unconvincing efforts
at reassuring tomfoolery,

Alfonso drifted back
seemless unseaming
timeless dreaming's placeless keep.


- Evan Hawthorn

(on an innocent date that asked to remain nameless)