Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Thursday, July 3, 2014


i've heard people saying we're not responsible for what's happening in Iraq,
that you can't force people to embrace democracy when they don't want it.

imagine that.  bomb them into oblivion, raid their homes in the middle of
the night, bury Fallujah in depleted uranium, and they don't magically decide
to embrace our form of government.  what ingrates!

if anyone needs to be doing some evolving, surely it is us.

it wouldn't hurt us to embrace democracy, while we're at it.

rich selfish white men vetting politicians who look after corporate interests
(at the expense of all other interests), while their speech writers flatter the
public, while they routinely bully and subvert other nations, while the media
arranges diversions and assures us everything is being done for our protection,
and that we are free (to purchase whatever we want),
is NOT democracy.  it's delusion.

"It is not just that American soldiers come and kill. That is horrible enough. You have to ask what will happen to the children growing up around this violence. Iraq has been destroyed. The Iraqi soul has been disfigured.”
- Hassan Blasim

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