in an actual Democracy, the Obama administration's enmity towards Julian Assange and
WikiLeaks would automatically disqualify them from public office, revealing as it does their
dependence on secrecy and virulent antipathy to transparency. (while refusing to arrest a
single war criminal they hound whistleblowers with unprecedented vengeance and cruelty).
as this behavior is so obviously diametrically opposed to the very concept of Democracy,
(for how can a state be run "for and by" a people who don't even know what it's doing?)
any journalists' outlet worthy of the name would have made this front page news years
ago, and the party in opposition would have milked it for all it's worth. the fact that these
things don't happen reveals a Democracy on its deathbed, with rigor mortis already
setting in, for the media and both parties view this secrecy and aversion to transparency
as something that must be protected - as essential to their continued existence as the
very air they breathe.
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