the trail of torture
traced through the sleek,
traced through the sleek,
redacted shadows
from its beta testing emissaries
and coup-installed thugs
back to the blood-soaked and belligerent
lawless land of its devising
has had quite a run
and found its way
into every sadistic nook.
just ask the whistleblowers,
the hapless innocents
rotting in Guantanamo,
the ailing black panthers
in their isolating cages,
the fallen emancipators in Egypt,
or the doctors locked up
for healing the heroes of Bahrain.
it continues to pay out its
twisted dividends,
much like the land mines
still maiming the future of Southeast Asia.
or the harvest of our terror
coming home to roost:
in the huddled masses scouring in their tides
for some unfenced remnant of humane humanity.
in the falling-like-flies,
riddled and repentant veterans
and afraid-of-the-sky children.
and in the tanks and dazzling ray guns
brandished in the fists
of terrorists, drug lords,
and small town cops.
the amnesia that curiously afflicts
America's entitled establishment,
all its predators, peddlers, and purveyors
of mind-numbing pablum
fails to blot out the shell-shocked reality,
its weeping roots,
or its cancerous ramifications.
the toll of our relentless
Middle East aggression
is perhaps a million dead.
another half million
longed-for children
were slowly sacrificed
to our sanctified, sanitized sanctions.
only a fraction
of what we managed
to achieve in Southeast Asia.
but the mongers are not idle
and more targets tantalize
on the yawning horizon.
anyway, they stopped counting
their corporeal crops
when they embedded our journalists,
yanking the covers over shying eyes
as they authorized the sleep of souls.
such soothing slumber eludes me
as i listen to the crowding voices
wailing in the wretched wind,
seeping through the sound bites
telling silenced, severed stories
of inessential, foreign lives.
thus lonely-eyed and weary
i await the awakening;
a bitter dawning of lamentation,
when the depth of our
incalculable loss
is finally understood.
and i wonder at the lavish strains
of righteous indignation
spilling into streets and tv screens,
marching in step with its
convenient consciousless denial
and privileged self-focus;
parading in simulcast
sanctimonious solidarity
to affirm the untrammeled right
of the one true religion
to profit from plunder
and express its exceptional disdain.
how can the home of the brave
house such a surfeit of uninformed fear,
plunging collective cowardly heads
in smug layers of self-inflicted
silken sediment
hiding from the knowledge
of its own pitiless, unprovoked crimes?
and how can a land of the free
tolerate such a self-destructive tethering,
the callous erecting
of blinders and barbed wire
on its utterly defenseless
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