i wonder how many of the mediums
(misleadiums? we need to come up with a name
for people who WORK in the Media
that would accurately describe what they do.)
for people who WORK in the Media
that would accurately describe what they do.)
but i digress.
how many of these
unconscientious subjectors
masquerading as journalists
unconscientious subjectors
masquerading as journalists
so frantically warning us
that the Russians are threatening
our apparency of Democracy
that the Russians are threatening
our apparency of Democracy
have thrown caution to the winds
and actually perused
the Podesta emails?
for i suspect they're channeling
President Obama's reaction
to Chelsea Manning's revelations.
you may remember,
instead of investigating
he put a modern day Paul Revere
in jail for 35 years,
sentenced to abuse and a 'trial'
we weren't allowed to watch.
the only crime he could see
was letting the cat out of the bag.
and when it came to
doing something about War Criminals,
"why think of the past?"
said he.
the Podesta emails?
for i suspect they're channeling
President Obama's reaction
to Chelsea Manning's revelations.
you may remember,
instead of investigating
he put a modern day Paul Revere
in jail for 35 years,
sentenced to abuse and a 'trial'
we weren't allowed to watch.
the only crime he could see
was letting the cat out of the bag.
and when it came to
doing something about War Criminals,
"why think of the past?"
said he.
(this of course was par for the course
for the "transparency" president,
who took suppression of Democracy
to a whole new level,
to a whole new level,
with his unprecedented hounding of whistleblowers,
haunting us all with
re-awakened espionage laws
re-awakened espionage laws
aimed at whoever dares to inform the electorate,
notwithstanding the irony
of implicating the American People
as a foreign enemy.)
of implicating the American People
as a foreign enemy.)
but what i want to know is,
can these people-who-profit-from-saying-things
can these people-who-profit-from-saying-things
on televisions
and in newspapers
possibly be aware
of the blatant contempt for Democracy
the emails reveal?
how is it that 'personalities'
so preoccupied with protecting
the virginity of a system
can be so disinterested
in actual proof of its decline?
of the blatant contempt for Democracy
the emails reveal?
how is it that 'personalities'
so preoccupied with protecting
the virginity of a system
can be so disinterested
in actual proof of its decline?
the SUBSTANCE of these leaks is
if indeed it's Democracy
that lights up our "beacon".
that lights up our "beacon".
the apparatchiks of the asses' party
dance off the page,
dance off the page,
playing their bullied voters
like easy marks at a carnival.
like easy marks at a carnival.
but no one seems to care.
everyone is distracted
by the identity of the messenger,
or deafened by the eternally rumbling
everyone is distracted
by the identity of the messenger,
or deafened by the eternally rumbling
unimpeachable drums.
how nicely this slight-of-projection
by the People's-Party-that's-never-for-the-People
(and recently broke all its mirrors)
by the People's-Party-that's-never-for-the-People
(and recently broke all its mirrors)
fits in with the
clearly advertised intentions
of the snarling gang of
unelected regime-changers,
pulling the bipartisan strings of the
clearly advertised intentions
of the snarling gang of
unelected regime-changers,
pulling the bipartisan strings of the
all-violence-all-the-time foreign policy
of our humanity-consuming
military beast.
military beast.
it's quite as snug
as a self-strangling and fingering glove
stitched by McCarthy himself,
waiting all this time
for rhyming delusions
and willing hands.
for rhyming delusions
and willing hands.
"feed our Seymour",
sayith Uncle Sam,
sayith Uncle Sam,
"lest ye be trampled by hysterical hooves.
and woe to thee who wouldst
stand against the tide;
ye feckless flock of impractical idealists,
enablers of evil,
Commies, Toadies,
or Sympathizers, all."
(one or the other, i forget which.
when everyone is sorted
into red, blue, and reds,
'with us' zeroes or 'against us' ones,
disposable "bad guys"
and unquestioning "good" ones,
how could any difference
a phone or drone might notice
possibly exist?)
stand against the tide;
ye feckless flock of impractical idealists,
enablers of evil,
Commies, Toadies,
or Sympathizers, all."
(one or the other, i forget which.
when everyone is sorted
into red, blue, and reds,
'with us' zeroes or 'against us' ones,
disposable "bad guys"
and unquestioning "good" ones,
how could any difference
a phone or drone might notice
possibly exist?)
- Evan Hawthorn, the 16th of December, 2016
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