Pope Francis says nuclear weapons
"exist in the service
of a mentality of fear
that affects
not only the parties in conflict
but the entire human race."
he goes on to suggest
"international relations
cannot be held
to military force,
mutual intimidation,
and the parading of stockpiles of arms."
though that tidily stuffs
and the parading of stockpiles of arms."
though that tidily stuffs
the Bombs R Us beacon
in its bipolar nutshell,
seventy two belligerent years
of relentless bullying
posed as foreign policy
would seem to prove that,
in its bipolar nutshell,
seventy two belligerent years
of relentless bullying
posed as foreign policy
would seem to prove that,
without a timorous shadow
of fleeting, bipartisan doubt
"yes, they can!"
me, i'm on pins and needles
just waiting to find out
which pair of
lavishly financed ghouls
will be vetted by the
citizen oligarchs'
exponential obscenity
citizen oligarchs'
exponential obscenity
of leering and pitiless
(in light of farcical,
paranoid flights,
the independence-thwarting
of spiteful plights,
and the unrequited misery
paranoid flights,
the independence-thwarting
of spiteful plights,
and the unrequited misery
those unreserved trillions are surely preserving.)
which unsparing paring
of divinely tragic masques
of divinely tragic masques
will go entirely, eye-poppingly,
preposterously unpondered
(in light of the abdicated media's
(in light of the abdicated media's
preternatural insistence
on tethering observance
to an absence of substance.)
to an absence of substance.)
which grifted drafts
of personality-craft
amidst that deftly gifted,
sifted savvy chaff
will shift the shtick
that sticks it to the stiffs
will shift the shtick
that sticks it to the stiffs
(in light of the
rigorous precedent
of a grafted and scripted
encrypting of shafts.)
which blithe proponents
of "exceptional" and "indispensable"
pandering pith
will win the honour
of dictating the myths
that dander up the patriotic
hapless masses
will win the honour
of dictating the myths
that dander up the patriotic
hapless masses
of benighted, uncited corpses
that must abide our 'good intentions'.)
which practical acolytes
of thinking-cap-napping,
of thinking-cap-napping,
and possibility-blighting
will get to cloak
the oil-soaked wicks
will get to cloak
the oil-soaked wicks
(in light of that
greed-sanctioned man-date
consuming the earth
consuming the earth
with its hemmed in dearth.)
in short,
in short,
which dutifully demonizing,
duopoly-propped duo
of pirate-inspiring,
duopoly-propped duo
of pirate-inspiring,
vilely beguiling
lawless war criminals
will the cringless lords
of unhinged profit
arrange for our next
of unhinged profit
arrange for our next
glossy concocting
of binary-blindered,
one-way menus
in 2020
(which is destined to be
a humdinger of a year,
given that irony
already has its number.)
* **** * **** * **** *
- Evan Hawthorn, the 11th of November, 2017
in 2020
(which is destined to be
a humdinger of a year,
given that irony
already has its number.)
* **** * **** * **** *
- Evan Hawthorn, the 11th of November, 2017
that day that reminds us
there's never been an 'armistice' yet
that could quell the swelling
profit-splurging urges
profit-splurging urges
of "humanity's last hope",
that last gasp morass
that last gasp morass
of moral-less leaders
long enough to filter
from freedom's choking air
the guilt-ridden silt
drifting in the ache
drifting in the ache
of misappropriated homelands
and mingling with
the soulful dirge
of disremembered hosts.
and mingling with
the soulful dirge
of disremembered hosts.
for America's saints
are its unnamed haints,
those holy
and uncounted,
unredusted ghosts.
and until we've heard their
silenced cries,
until we've wept for their
banished dreams
and vanished children,
until we've deciphered
the grains of trust
once tendered in the fragile cracks
of extended,
unrecognised hands
they can never abstain
from that tainted refrain
of unwaining
unspeakable pain
that stains
the abandonment
remembered by the rain
and forever drains
in our staked and quaking
torturous rivers
of promise-squandered blood.
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