as sure as April rains,
as the sewed in,
power obsessed owners
of patriot trademarked
stalking freedom
tax for lavished war
their wealth possessed,
obscenely weaned quorum
denial besotted flocks,
the stumped,
wedged and pumped
round the clock bubbling
is again dredging up
from the seemingly endless
well meaning well,
in its dim lit chamber of echoes,
another ladling of liberal lament
bewailing the fall
of the
U.S Empire.
for apparently,
it's not what it used to be.
yet a concentrically eccentric,
next door to a hermit,
unbanded unAmerican,
treasonous bereasoned,
"radical" and Kremlin
usefully tooled,
neigh braying and fay,
rare bird confidant
feels compelled by the nature
propelling him to ask
how could a "civilised country"
ever become an empire
how can the pored in chorus
of flag styed, smug plugged,
essential congratulence
fail to notice
the scads of scoreless nations
(Mozambique for instance,
Vietnam or Bolivia,
Haiti or Cuba,
Lesotho or Iran)
that left off bullying
nigh on centuries past
secured by the
hundredth monkey
universe quilted,
astonished maturity,
never sought to subjugate
the children of earth's
mirth embarked,
malarkey quarked playground;
that somehow manage
to get along,
levelling with their neighbors
without ever attacking
any of those other
ailing simian societies
afflicted with
nationhooded parasites;
without once stringing up
Bill Clinton's
skull and crossbones,
claiming now and forever
the right to weaponize
their adhering interference
in other peoples' pocket books;
that somehow failed to build
comparable parables
to the capital of capitals'
flanked, embanked cathedrals,
enshrining the consigned,
lucre lording shining sees
ruthlessly canonized
by never sated
erected with the most
inhuman form of slavery
despise ever devised
on those freedom zoned,
unmarked mass graves
of their
"decorous and praiseworthy"
welcoming hosts?
resigning ourselves
to a mandatory
early retirement
greatest degeneration
in that Bonnie and Clyde
sidewinding Century
of internationally organised,
staggering, flagrant crime;
resolving to not merely
stand by and watch
its inevitable collapse
in a karma coalesced,
stone age cratering,
unprovoked transgression
upon itself
but to actively abet
a final calling off
of the relentlessly revolving,
remorselessly absolving
freeing of conscience
spreeing of mass murder;
dissolving the appalling
grim reign of terror
of what our holy soulful
dream caller called
"the greatest purveyor
of violence in the world"
(just before the CIA
arranged his crucifixion)
sounds like an untrammelling;
a celestial unravelling;
like a manna from some
undisclosed heaven,
ineffably leavening idea to me.
it would open the floodgates,
diverging the splurging coffers
from the devil's hymnalled anvil
of Congressional relishing,
Commonwealth impoverishing,
coveted conqueror's playthings,
and pay all the bills
barring our future;
resetting the end times energy grid,
cascading over the firewalls
turreting health care,
weighing anchor to sever
that clever insurance
of the sinked in sync
rusted links
yoking knowledge
to servitude's vassalage
thrice times over
rebellious winged angels
desert their
angry jealous god,
laying down their mufflers,
their buffers
and their arms
to suffer the study
(and rote moated vote)
of war no more.
it would leave us all free
to discover how democracy
might actually function
(if it had aught to do
with meaning or context
and wasn't just a matter
of affirming or denying
the hard wired casting
of fandom's tandem,
and lamenting,
laminated roles.)
it would mean
stepping out
of the shadows
cruel winter
of blinds drawn,
self focus cloaked,
insecurity stoking,
independence bejoked,
rare bird confidant
feels compelled by the nature
propelling him to ask
how could a "civilised country"
ever become an empire
how can the pored in chorus
of flag styed, smug plugged,
essential congratulence
fail to notice
the scads of scoreless nations
(Mozambique for instance,
Vietnam or Bolivia,
Haiti or Cuba,
Lesotho or Iran)
that left off bullying
nigh on centuries past
secured by the
hundredth monkey
universe quilted,
astonished maturity,
never sought to subjugate
the children of earth's
mirth embarked,
malarkey quarked playground;
that somehow manage
to get along,
levelling with their neighbors
without ever attacking
any of those other
ailing simian societies
afflicted with
nationhooded parasites;
without once stringing up
Bill Clinton's
skull and crossbones,
claiming now and forever
the right to weaponize
their adhering interference
in other peoples' pocket books;
that somehow failed to build
comparable parables
to the capital of capitals'
flanked, embanked cathedrals,
enshrining the consigned,
lucre lording shining sees
ruthlessly canonized
by never sated
erected with the most
inhuman form of slavery
despise ever devised
on those freedom zoned,
unmarked mass graves
of their
"decorous and praiseworthy"
welcoming hosts?
resigning ourselves
to a mandatory
early retirement
greatest degeneration
in that Bonnie and Clyde
sidewinding Century
of internationally organised,
staggering, flagrant crime;
resolving to not merely
stand by and watch
its inevitable collapse
in a karma coalesced,
stone age cratering,
unprovoked transgression
upon itself
but to actively abet
a final calling off
of the relentlessly revolving,
remorselessly absolving
freeing of conscience
spreeing of mass murder;
dissolving the appalling
grim reign of terror
of what our holy soulful
dream caller called
"the greatest purveyor
of violence in the world"
(just before the CIA
arranged his crucifixion)
sounds like an untrammelling;
a celestial unravelling;
like a manna from some
undisclosed heaven,
ineffably leavening idea to me.
it would open the floodgates,
diverging the splurging coffers
from the devil's hymnalled anvil
of Congressional relishing,
Commonwealth impoverishing,
coveted conqueror's playthings,
and pay all the bills
barring our future;
resetting the end times energy grid,
cascading over the firewalls
turreting health care,
weighing anchor to sever
that clever insurance
of the sinked in sync
rusted links
yoking knowledge
to servitude's vassalage
thrice times over
rebellious winged angels
desert their
angry jealous god,
laying down their mufflers,
their buffers
and their arms
to suffer the study
(and rote moated vote)
of war no more.
it would leave us all free
to discover how democracy
might actually function
(if it had aught to do
with meaning or context
and wasn't just a matter
of affirming or denying
the hard wired casting
of fandom's tandem,
and lamenting,
laminated roles.)
it would mean
stepping out
of the shadows
cruel winter
of blinds drawn,
self focus cloaked,
insecurity stoking,
independence bejoked,
tender mercy shied,
sided pride deified,
gun slinging
freedom wringing,
national insanity
for multitudes
of par for the voiceless
(per force of course)
human brothers and sisters
all around a profit searing,
insect clearing,
conquest weary world.
that same oarless ark
the elephants and asses
joined lockstep
trunks and hooves
(like an unhinged pair
of palm rubbing,
pussy stroking,
chortling Bond villains)
to maniacally expropriate
as their
"eternal global battlefield";
that same fragile
nurturing orb
an arch, rogue,
brazenly lawless,
presumptive paranoiac,
self appointed "policeman"
has run roughshod over
for scored and increasingly
tearful fear fulfilling years,
deciding who can do
what where when;
sanctifying the gangland
lingering starvation
of our mother's other children
with a Herod embarrassing
venomous aplomb
until whatever representative
of whichever monied gaggle
currently pulling the strings
of their struggling parents'
stretched neck of the woods
knuckles under,
forks over,
or falls in line;
until the CIA contrives
a convincing way
to con the consumers
of the grand white sway
gun slinging
freedom wringing,
national insanity
for multitudes
of par for the voiceless
(per force of course)
human brothers and sisters
all around a profit searing,
insect clearing,
conquest weary world.
that same oarless ark
the elephants and asses
joined lockstep
trunks and hooves
(like an unhinged pair
of palm rubbing,
pussy stroking,
chortling Bond villains)
to maniacally expropriate
as their
"eternal global battlefield";
that same fragile
nurturing orb
an arch, rogue,
brazenly lawless,
presumptive paranoiac,
self appointed "policeman"
has run roughshod over
for scored and increasingly
tearful fear fulfilling years,
deciding who can do
what where when;
sanctifying the gangland
lingering starvation
of our mother's other children
with a Herod embarrassing
venomous aplomb
until whatever representative
of whichever monied gaggle
currently pulling the strings
of their struggling parents'
stretched neck of the woods
knuckles under,
forks over,
or falls in line;
until the CIA contrives
a convincing way
to con the consumers
of the grand white sway
that it's time for yet another
security fomented,
media stabled,
benevolent freedom round
dead in the womb spreading,
despair embedding,
independence shredding,
dropping of bombs
factories and weddings,
on playgrounds and schools,
in bloodspilling pools
of depleted uranium
and bystanding animals,
on those imaginary battlefields
heliotropic goldfish
patriotic people
persist in pretending still exist,
all crowning
that railed and sainted
deranged manger
of compartmentalised,
brotherhooding good.
the springing forward
bejesus's daylights clock
and it's only time
to jump the gun,
for a splinter of discontent
competition scolding,
silk road trolling,
flinging of Asian "pivots";
or a golden oldie stroll
through an eerily similar
of indian summer,
those flogging dog days
rolling round again,
a nightly raided,
crusade waded
laden Middle East
or a self reliance styled,
diplomacy reviled,
law and liberty exiled,
Wild Wild West
what could possibly be the difference?
and yet, mayhaps,
on the other fist,
impatience is a' wastin'
for a fly by night
of the always in season
though never advertised,
elemental "developing"
of mined and dejewelled,
betrayed and raped Africa;
or departing that station,
an exporting distortion
field day
holiday from geography
auld lang syne's
entrenched fencing pageant
with that entire hemisphere
stylishly beliberalled
Camelot itself
was convinced
must be somewhere
in its stoned
and boned
but most likely, though,
(least like like of all),
they'll stumble into
the next rescheduled
routine observance
of those timed, warned,
horned and scorned
"threatening" places
where brave "protection"
bristles its progressively
suicidal troops
in comparative worth dangling,
smartly strangling nooses
strung along other peoples'
disrespected borders
(which telling projection,
bracketed in distraction,
given Hollywood's
entertaining containments
of munificent confection,
blithely, good guyly,
red hate and blue plate,
morally divided subjects
are apparently
incapable of noticing.)
and lo!
all these ritually ignored,
religiously abhorred,
collaterally stored
fellow human beings
in the SuperPower's
colonial courted,
NATO bowered,
right indicted
hunting grounds
afraid to seek out
their own forms
of government;
afraid not to trickle
their profits to that sickle;
afraid to not obey
the "consensus" dictates
of freedom's celebrated owners;
and even the people
of colour amoungst us,
forced to subsist
as hyphenated
in their own home
(the same defaming,
tamed for framing,
limited edition "homeland"
that refuses to
recognise them);
terrified lest a tail light go out,
bringing on their children's
law abided murder,
knowing, after all this time,
there's still no proven way
to defend their darlings'
precious life
from America's
incited freedomed rites.
and yet, presumably,
in that Caesar rendering
rugged and tugged party line
unacquaintance with irony,
the wall street
regime exchange
less is more practical
democracy sabbatical
assassin and spy
faith based fretwork
with its manacled press
of "liberal Americans"
find time to peer
under wiretapped rocks
disruptive lurking
apparently jealous
of the versified rivalries
serving the establishments'
competing ministries
of exclusive intrusive
of thee we sing truth;
exponentially fanning
the censor's aimed flames
of a Freudian and Faustian
McCarthy revival
and zombie clambake,
Super Power
Super Suspicious,
ravenously attritious,
angst over undo influence.
a plume grooming,
flea exhuming,
gossamer pause
in that diaphanous
and timeless,
place without space
the graces always fill
reflective silence.
the rare bird
me again,
in James the Queenly
King's English,
as he patiently

from that unflinching,
tree clinging perch
betwixt the barked
and creaking leaks
of a crook
benooked rookery;
a crowded shroudery
of breached birches,
preaching larches
scorched and torturous,
swinging doored porches,
fixing me all the while
with a cocked and quirky tilt
to his light glanced eye,
confidingly sliding
his grasp
for a clasp of the conscience
proffered on my shoulder,
he's quite gone off
his erstwhile repertoire;
that sharp
and then melodious,
delicate shuffling
of intuitive and rasping
enigmatic tweets
since the advent
of a stage strutting,
consummate incarnate
manifestly destined
profit driven Frankenstein
slurped up the chirping airwaves
in a spired, conspired,
breathlessly attended,
lurching besmirching,
wham damned,
and trunked,
looming curtained
and oligarch starched
fixed bid to redefine them.)
verily, verily,
(he suggested unto me)
for all of the myriad
connected, unprotected,
hopeful living things
that wouldst actually matter
hadst thy plundering ancestors
providentially pioneered
a benevolence seeking beacon
to shelter and husband
the faintest glint
of an unstintingly
"civilised" world,
the falling of this
besting, vested,
racist, placist,
(at its birth,
out of its tree)
forever preening
the teeming
of its meaning,
the seeding
of its own
utterly psychotic empire,
locked in its eternal
binary refinery
of a trillion dollar
identity politics
(policy off limits)
contest of polarity,
patriot belligerence,
popular impairity
privileged semantics
decanting antics
shell game;
drowning out
sane empathy's
last frantic chances
with an endless charade
of twenty four seven
blaring nonsense;
all that din
about winning,
about the tinned spin of sinning,
about nothing that feels,
or is actually real
on those left and right speakered,
choreographed and blinkered,
redacted or regurgitated
ghost ridden reels
save the slimly trimmed
tightly reined spectrum
emotionally baited,
loudly divisive
internal social issues
the powers that own
allow their hoard
of boarded broadcasters
to float on their
stolen from the Commons air
(tinselled and tarted out
as yet more competitive fare);
teaming into ferocious
taken sides
who left the oven on
down the street
whilst the rambling,
cobbled and hobbled,
rammed and shackled,
primate house divided
burns down around them;
as whiling and fiddling
their bereft pinioned wing,
those lavishly funded,
liberal minded,
skillfully lightened,
tooth brightened heroes
pretend to "resist"
the unremitting evil
their dumbed and thumbed,
war drums
under the gums,
pandered and praised,
ante raised
unanimous animosity
perennially spews...
(at this point,
sputtering and croaking
with all his mighted sight,
fluttering my heart
with his
heart thumped breast,
preparing to return
to a context
still remembered,
blessed bliss caressing,
amber glazed
azure sky,
in a filiblustered
determined to untether
all his ruffled
blocked flockings
of a druthered
whethered feather,
the wise old bird
delivered his
vexed summation.)
the fall of the U.S Empire
would be a reason to ring
the practically atrophied,
cracked and rusted,
rarely dusted bells
of humanity's
long dreamed of
yet never expected,
freely gifted,
radically drifted,
living blossomed spring.
it might even stop
the race to extinction
in the nick
apparently random
preternaturally lethal
for every other
species on the planet,
deftly shafting,
daftly wafting,
almost left
too late
to be rafting,
progressively receding,
rebel flower weeding,
separation creeding,
forever rebeading
the stringing
of its needing,
dandelion bleeding,
next door to fell abandonment,
sand branding time.
- Evan Hawthorn, the tithings of April, 2019
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