once again, peeking under Southern moons. and naturally, as one would, i went
and asked his whiskers if they'd brought us back anything worth sharing. 
for back in June his Blinkin' Nod tripped over to China, and only 24 hours after
at the time, the Chinese government was not amused, calling Mr. Biden's

stamped and ossified audience identification puppet blew it once again...
for back in June his Blinkin' Nod tripped over to China, and only 24 hours after
a "somewhat positive statement of the meeting" was released, Mr. Biden,
afflicted with the same borg-like sickness that makes all modern day "American"
"leaders," having sworn off the very notion of diplomacy and, god forbid,
respect for others, blithely pronounced President Xi Jinping a 'dictator.'
at the time, the Chinese government was not amused, calling Mr. Biden's
remarks "extremely absurd and irresponsible." (go figure.)
but nevertheless, some passing angel or significant other possessed Xi Jinping
to graciously give that unbridled sacrifice provoker ("to the last Ukrainian")
and resolute genocide abider yet another chance, meeting Mr. Biden for an
avidly promoted and manifestly choreographed photo shoot near San Francisco.
the Chinese spokesperson set out the agenda, thus:
President Xi Jinping noted that there are two options for China and the U.S.
in the era of global transformations unseen in a century:
the first is to enhance solidarity and cooperation and join hands to meet
global challenges and promote global security and prosperity;
... and the other is to cling to the zero-sum mentality, provoke rivalry
and confrontation, and drive the world toward turmoil and division.
as any kindly presence kindled with rationality might expect,
they were pinning frail hopes on that first path.
but shortly after their meeting Mr. Biden,
like energizer's wound up self-aggrandized strumpet,
sure as shootin' plodded down that blind arrogance trail.
for in a press conference in Woodside, California, he was asked again
to comment on this "dictator" business. and here is what he went and said:
"well, look, he is. i mean, he’s a dictator in the sense that he — he is a guy who runs
a country that — it’s a communist country that is based on a form of government
totally different than ours."
how's that for eloquence?
in one telling swoop, summing up the folly of the fell United States?
it's us again' 'em, no matter the fuck what.
now, given the horrid state of that two flavoured, 24-7 trumpeted,
profit centres of the Masters of War dependably regurgitated,
delusion instilling "news," the protractedly distracted humans
here in the belly of the beast are not exactly known
for focusing on reality.
but one ought to be informed, just the same,
that the Democracy Perception Index is the world’s
largest annual study on how people perceive
that hurling invective of the Western collective
bandied about notion called "democracy."
and it finds that seventy-six percent of the
people identifying as "Americans" believe
that 'democracy is important.' but only
fifty-four percent answer yes when asked
if their country is in fact democratic.
meanwhile, in that yellow peril ridden
inscrutably indubitable "othered" nation
those evidence free "liberal" and "conservative"
presses of freedom digressed so uniformly love to disparage,
the percentages of persons who responded yes
to those very same questions are eighty-eight and seventy-three.
maybe just maybe "Americans" don't know everything about everything after all.
maybe imagining the Chinese are out to take over the world is just garden variety
projection, given their actual history, say, compared to the five hundred years
of blood flooded pale nailed civilisation sailed colonial inflicted misery,
or glancing at that single foreign military base, protecting a straight through which
shipped oil must pass, and then ogling the more than eight hundred foreign military
bases the self-anointed "leader of the free world" has managed to wrap around
its connection to humanity pared, "terror" unspared, "global battlefield."
mayhaps, just perhaps, their efforts to build railroads and link commerce across
the Global South, without telling anyone what kind of government to have,
is actually a nice thing,
and the domination afflicted pride addicted whiter than right folks
here in the stolen "homeland" ought to accept that in fact
they truly don't own the world
and might,
just yet,
still have a fleeting chance
to learn to live and let live,
(for once in their "exceptionally" dented,
we're right and you're wrong freely vented,
unprecedented war crimes unrepented,
intensely self-focused history.)
well, it's a thought, anyway.
(treat it gently, it's in an honesty estranged place.)

It seems our President is walking a tightrope while wearing army boots. Clumsy, bumbling, prone to fall at any moment. The safety net for him is the military might which he has lovingly tended for these past 4 decades.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this piece, Evan. It hasn't been covered well in the media.
Pics are good too 💛
* sigh * 💜