Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

a shooting star

i mourn the loss of Jacob George,
and thank him for his insight
that the post-traumatic horror
he brought back from war
was not a disorder

but the natural human response to inhumanity.

Evan's Handbook for Hypocrisy

Citizens = see Criminals

Congressional Speech ("Democrat") = a pack of lies that contradicts itself

Congressional Speech ("Republican") = a pack of lies that beggars belief

Criminals = people of color, peace protesters, environmental activists, persons who think

Defense (as in Spending, Department of, etc.) = see War Against

Democracy = the theory that a Government operates in the interests of its Citizens

Elections = publicity stunts arranged by the Misledia to distract Citizens
                  and convince them that they have Democracy

Government = protection racket for the 1%

Informing the Public = a heinous act which warrants life imprisonment

Media (or, more properly: Misledia) = protection racket for the Government

Moral Indignation = the shock members of one Government feel when members
of another Government commit the very same crimes

Peace Process = plans for occupation by the proxies of the 1%

Police = private army for the 1%

Presidential Speech = a pack of lies riddled with redundant catchphrases

Protesters = see Criminals

Unprovoked War = a series of heroic acts which warrants book deals (and profit for the 1%)

War Against (Drugs, Terror, Poverty, etc.) = war to make more (drugs, terror, poverty, etc.)
                     operating under the theory that less is more; never losing sight of profit for the 1%

Welfare ("Corporate") = billions of taxpayer dollars annually handed to the Military Industrial
                                    Complex (see Defense)

Welfare ("Public") =  taxpayer dollars (profit for the 1%) wasted on taxpayers