Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Friday, March 31, 2023

beyond Covenant School. beyond assault weapons. beyond politics.  there’s a deep interplay with hell in the American social structure.  gun control, however sensible and sane, WON'T transcend it.  mass murder emerges from an unexamined, unaddressed dark spot in the collective human consciousness.  it can be described in one word: DEHUMANISATION.

not just a loner’s psychological flaw: but the denial of humanity (partial, any and all) to chosen "others." 
projection's fell phenomenon embedded in the social norm.

we have enemies.  we need them.  we kill them.

we go to war.

“wearing camouflage pants, a black vest and a backward red baseball cap, the assailant walks through rooms and hallways with a weapon drawn.”

the killer, whatever his specific “motive,” was playing war.  he had, in his mind and heart, dehumanised the occupants of Covenant School. this is the game...

the nation hooded one,


played every day.

(why, say, can you hear

through our bomb bursted air

the national anthem fight song?

"glory hallelujah"

telling us "our god"

smote the "sinners"?)


mass shootings?  they’re everywhere.

when the "good guys with guns"

(that's "us" of course)

wage war,

noncombatants fall.

what could be simpler?

they die you see,

all those "bad" guys

laid out for us by Hollywood,

the Russians and Orcs and Klingons,

"savages" and "Injuns,"

"terrorists" and Muslims,

the yellow peril of slant-eyed Chinese....

and, say,

a bunch of nine-year-old children,

magically morphed into collateral damage.


we make this world ourselves,

you and me,

every time we follow
bouncing ball

(swaying into sprawl

domination affliction's

the starless midnight

might made "right"

memory holed

freedom to murder doled

exclusively souled

entirely imagined "history."


we make this world ourselves,
you see,

each time we close
our eyes

to proudly sing

'tis of "we"

(on our "inherited"
stolen "homelands"
Northern Mexico,
Puerto Rico,
Turtle Island,

from see to seized sea...

(noosed around China)

eyeless teamed "Americans"

"we" as far
"we" can see;

crowned in "good"

just like our parents

taught us to be.


we make this world ourselves,

(all of "us,"

you see)

whenever we consent

to the loss


- (a poem paraphrase
knitted from the writings of)

Robert C. Koehler


(and the once and future sensibilities
mused in an elf, himself )

Thursday, March 16, 2023

unholy daze (an observance)

nigh on twenty years ago, the capital of capital's "freedom" fiefdom
unleashed an unlawful aggression avalanche
in a cruel and unprovoked war-for-profit
against the human beings in Iraq.

and still, rogue "democracy's"
distracted and distressed,
memory hole digressed,
"self" obsessed,
denial rivalled,
tribal bibled
red & blue enablers

crown thine
arrogant and unrepentant
international crime ridden
SuperPower addicted
domination afflicted

profit syphoned
nation hooded
warfare sanctioned

(election immune)

rampant and relentless
cult of control

predilections "good."

hundreds of thousands dead,
some two million disabled,
nine million displaced,
countless people tortured,
or otherwise harmed
in ways unseen,

environmental devastation,
thievery, occupation,
and embrace of torture as policy

in a whole cloth pride plied
"exceptional" belied
War FOR and OF Terror;

an entire generation raised solely in only war.

(and thanks to punishing
the brave defenders of Fallujah
with depleted uranium,
a greater proportion
of birth defects seeded
in spreading freedom's
forsaken wake

than the lesser degeneration
of we-make-the-"rules based" disorder
managed to plant
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki


do you honestly believe the stolen "homeland" has values?

(we could grade on a curve, say,
obviously leaving out
the capacity for loving
others as ourselves...)


why look, that fellow,
second from the right
in an Abu Ghraib

he's had a recent haircut,
i expect.
saints preserve us,

isn't he
Son of Man?


- Evan Hawthorn, a day after the ides of March, twenty years on