Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

arrogant yet anodyne, ðŸ¦…

Biden's blindered auld lang syne...


in the sights of genocide,

"hungry children wait in line." ðŸŒ¿

Monday, November 20, 2023

seasonal greetings


what's that, Alfonso?

uh-oh!  looks like another one o'them Rushin'
thought corrupters, spreading dissension in the coop!

and right before Thanksgiving, too, when our righteous forefathers
taught us about togetherness by holding hands long enough
to stuff their othered feathered victims!

my, my!  what's a right thinking, democracy's cloaked hypocrisy stocked,
independence plucked, "freedom" deranged chicken to do?

Friday, November 17, 2023

[so Alfonso's gone beyond those rule ordered profit shelfed "self" imposed borders
 once again, peeking under Southern moons.  and naturally, as one would, i went
 and asked his whiskers if they'd brought us back anything worth sharing. ]:

and then, sticking to his guns, the War Mongers Are Us "Freedom & Democracy"
stamped and ossified audience identification puppet blew it once again...

for back in June his Blinkin' Nod tripped over to China, and only 24 hours after
a "somewhat positive statement of the meeting" was released, Mr. Biden,
afflicted with the same borg-like sickness that makes all modern day "American"
"leaders," having sworn off the very notion of diplomacy and, god forbid,
respect for others, blithely pronounced President Xi Jinping a 'dictator.'

at the time, the Chinese government was not amused, calling Mr. Biden's
remarks "extremely absurd and irresponsible."  (go figure.)

but nevertheless, some passing angel or significant other possessed Xi Jinping
to graciously give that unbridled sacrifice provoker ("to the last Ukrainian")
and resolute genocide abider yet another chance, meeting Mr. Biden for an
avidly promoted and manifestly choreographed photo shoot near San Francisco.

the Chinese spokesperson set out the agenda, thus:

President Xi Jinping noted that there are two options for China and the U.S.
in the era of global transformations unseen in a century:

the first is to enhance solidarity and cooperation and join hands to meet
global challenges and promote global security and prosperity;

... and the other is to cling to the zero-sum mentality, provoke rivalry
and confrontation, and drive the world toward turmoil and division.

as any kindly presence kindled with rationality might expect,
they were pinning frail hopes on that first path.

but shortly after their meeting Mr. Biden,
like energizer's wound up self-aggrandized strumpet,
sure as shootin' plodded down that blind arrogance trail.

for in a press conference in Woodside, California, he was asked again
to comment on this "dictator" business.  and here is what he went and said:

"well, look, he is.  i mean, he’s a dictator in the sense that he — he is a guy who runs
 a country that — it’s a communist country that is based on a form of government
 totally different than ours."

how's that for eloquence?

in one telling swoop, summing up the folly of the fell United States?

it's us again' 'em, no matter the fuck what.

now, given the horrid state of that two flavoured, 24-7 trumpeted,
profit centres of the Masters of War dependably regurgitated,
delusion instilling "news," the protractedly distracted humans
here in the belly of the beast are not exactly known
for focusing on reality.

but one ought to be informed, just the same,
that the Democracy Perception Index is the world’s
largest annual study on how people perceive
that hurling invective of the Western collective
bandied about notion called "democracy."

and it finds that seventy-six percent of the
people identifying as "Americans" believe
that 'democracy is important.'  but only
fifty-four percent answer yes when asked
if their country is in fact democratic.

meanwhile, in that yellow peril ridden
inscrutably indubitable "othered" nation
those evidence free "liberal" and "conservative"
presses of freedom digressed so uniformly love to disparage,

the percentages of persons who responded yes
to those very same questions are eighty-eight and seventy-three.


maybe just maybe "Americans" don't know everything about everything after all.

maybe imagining the Chinese are out to take over the world is just garden variety
projection, given their actual history, say, compared to the five hundred years
of blood flooded pale nailed civilisation sailed colonial inflicted misery,
or glancing at that single foreign military base, protecting a straight through which
shipped oil must pass, and then ogling the more than eight hundred foreign military
bases the self-anointed "leader of the free world" has managed to wrap around
its connection to humanity pared, "terror" unspared, "global battlefield."

mayhaps, just perhaps, their efforts to build railroads and link commerce across
the Global South, without telling anyone what kind of government to have,
is actually a nice thing,

and the domination afflicted pride addicted whiter than right folks
here in the stolen "homeland" ought to accept that in fact

they truly don't own the world
and might,

just yet,
still have a fleeting chance

to learn to live and let live,

(for once in their "exceptionally" dented,
we're right and you're wrong freely vented,
unprecedented war crimes unrepented,

intensely self-focused history.)


well, it's a thought, anyway.

(treat it gently, it's in an honesty estranged place.)

Sunday, October 22, 2023

an open letter wrenched from a riven heart

[to all my dear friends who keep passing around
the "can't we just get along" coasting posts
wrapping an ongoing decades long genocide
in "religious differences"]:


i'd ever so like to try and help you see
that's the spurious line
the profit aligned
common humanity maligned
mainstream fisheries spew.

it's NOT what's happening AT ALL.

it's in fact a systematic attempt
to remove indigenous people
their homeland,

held in place by the racist placist colonial coterie;

(that "Democracy" mockery rallied round the United States.)


it's not as if the two million residents
Gaza's open air prison
peacefully protest,

because when they do they kill them anyway.

(and honest to goodness
 the Israelis actually
 refer to that as "mowing the lawn.")


and, of course,
other avenues are off limits, too,

like the compassionate countries in the Global South
mounting a resolution in the UN every single year,

which the domination addicted
capital of capital invariably vetoes

(precisely as it manacles sustenance for Cuba.)


i know the m(isl)edia's militantly conformist
sorority of authority's narrative subterfuge
engulfs everything around us,

and frames toxicity's boxed in phones,

but how can one not recogise
the truth of what they're seeing,

(right behind the blindered bleating)

when this is the VERY WAY
pride glided genocide abided


"others" derided midnight blight,

crouching over the Western Hemisphere,

managed to mount "freedom's" beacon
the still bleeding disaster site
a stolen "homeland?"


- Evan Hawthorn, the 21st of October, 2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023

roving reporter Alfonso's first big break

 [ the thing is, you can see right through them.  even passed the CIA applied siding
      of defensive psychology that hems in all their boxed in claim framed windows.

  here's roving reported Alphonso with a whiskered kernel of actual news
  the mainstream teaming seams will no doubt cover with frosting.]:


notwithstanding mined currencies and pipelined subterfuge,
it turns out the CIA embedded authoritarian donkeys' deranged
'Not Trump' audience identification puppet wants more oil,
in the run up to the "election" and what may be
another proxy epoxied flaring up war with Iran.

so now, after hounding the poor democratically elected
Venezuelan government all this time,

(since the lumpen Trump's crowned thine hoods
 tried to prop up an unelected imaginary "president"

 while "SuperPower" affliction's
 British bromanced cutpurse goons
 helped steal the Venezuelan peoples' money,

 and then, when that brazenly appointed bozo
 failed to gain any popular support,
 like the exceptional pirates they concisely are,
 they "enacted sweeping sanctions"
 with the goal of collapsing the Maduro administration,
 causing widespread suffering and contributing
 to the deaths of tens of thousands,
 as "Freedom & Democracy's" election immune mockery,
 cheered on by its hypothetical "free press" crockery,
 ever so loves to do,)

they've gone and suddenly decided, you see, to lift
those very sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas sector!

the State Department helpfully explained that
"all other sanctions will remain in place."

adding insult to injury, they'll also resume deporting
the desperate Venezuelan migrants who've tried to
escape their bipartisan sifted "backyard" drifted
viciously inflicted misery.

the next round is planned for Saturday.

(so set the date, and get that Barbie & Ken
 authority penned 24-7 dinned popcorn a'fluffin'!)


- Alfonso the Mouse

[say, can you even imagine "the news" coming over honestly like this,
 without appealing to the profanity of Hollywood addled vanity?
 you may say i'm a dreamer,
 but mayhaps Yoda had it right,
 and verily there is,

( to say the very least,
 and sprinkle it with yeast,)

 another. ]

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Democrat; declarative proprietary pro-noun;
a person capable of convincing their better self
the Russian speaking provinces in Ukraine
must be protected from Russian occupation
"to the very last Ukrainian,"

while the
 vicious occupation and barbaric subjugation
of Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem
must be held in place (until there aren't any Muslims left.)

see selective racist.

(unattested attributions to Hollywood crowned "thy good,"
 hubris imbued imaginary "news," or garden variety "exceptional" thinking.)

Monday, October 9, 2023

unprovoked resistance; (a sequel to the Monsters' Ball)

having come to the conclusion
that the colonially entrenched
racist to its very bones
capitalist West

entertains no morals at all,

and will never bring itself
stop the bleeding,

the Palestinians struck back,

drawing blood too,
shocking the complacency
of the pure race
apartheid pets
the pride afflicted
domination addicted
whack-a-mole hammer against
other peoples' independence.


projection artistes extraordinaire,
smitten by a resolute

even the horror sprung from their relentless horror,

will likely not awaken them
their own culpability.


and so they'll just go on,

voting for their
             memory hole pocked
          equality mocked

to snuff resistance out.


- Evan Hawthorn

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

good Americans (a latter day poem)

apparently, to be a "good American"
means to have no morals, whatsoever.

just look at what the profit ridden
incorporated capital of capital's
domination inflicting,
value sifting,
pride uplifting,
murder thrifting

competing gangs
"freedom's leaders"

choose to tell their onlookers.


just look at what that profit ridden
entertainment bidden "news"

chooses not
focus on.


need one even mention
the missing admittance

(let alone the shocking,
resolutely absolute
uttered dearth of repentance)

for all those brutal invasions?


if it's actually functioning as a democracy,
in a world where respect for others

can even be conceived,

i don't see how there's
any other conclusion possible.


- Evan Hawthorn

(the 269th sunrise since the "good guys" started counting all over again.)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

it's such a lovely notion.  
and yet i have to ask
(any uppity primates
i happen to come across)

why must they go on telling themselves
(in the blessed blink of fleetly passing
narrative declarative years)

that they own these
astonishing spaces
they settle in,

shant they ever wonder whether his feet were cold?

"She asks me to kill the spider.
Instead, I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.
I take a cup and a napkin.
I catch the spider, put it outside
and allow it to walk away.
If I am ever caught in the wrong place
at the wrong time, just being alive
and not bothering anyone,
I hope I am greeted
with the same kind
of mercy."

― Rudy Francisco, Helium

Monday, August 28, 2023

you know your conscious conscience isn't wiggling all its cylinders when...

so today Alfonso and i have something special we'd like to share. sort of an inspired adding thereupon; a flaring sharing, a ghosted hosting, a toasting roasted post.  and though we'd never use the term "empire simp" to describe our protractedly distracted brethren marinating their entire lives in the corrupting influence of the most sophisticated propaganda machine ever devised, on every framed box and weaned screen the empire hands out, nevertheless we simply couldn't help but be inspired, as is our curious wont, by our down under sister's latest piece.  so we went and made our very own list of our top thirteen bestest favourites, sprouted from 
"30 Signs You Might Be An Empire Simp," sort of a self help checklist for the faith based followers of domination addiction's we-own-the-world-and-make-up-the-rules-everyone-else-has-to-follow super-power affliction (who i believe are mostly still calling themselves "Democrats," these archly conformist days, despite all the evidence to the cognitive dissonance curdling contrary.)
well, that's enough ado then.
here we go...

you know your conscious conscience
isn't wiggling all its cylinders

uno) you’ve ever believed for even a single second that the US government gives a fuck about Muslims in China.

dos) you understand the last time there was an actual foreign military threat near what the US considers to be its "borders," 
it responded so aggressively it almost ended the world.  and yet you seem to expect Russia and China to meekly accept the relentless heaping of seamlessly teeming rampant military threats all along their borders.

tres) you think being anti-war means putting a Ukraine flag in your Twitter bio (whatever that is.)

cuatro) you think Vlad the Putin, (who stays up at night hating "us" for our alleged "freedom") stepped in to stop the ongoing (studiously ignored by the media, fascist) murder of the Russian speaking populace of those independently minded sections of Ukraine who refused to go along with the Victoria Nuland concocted (we have it on tape) coup that stole democracy from Ukraine back in 2014 (thus, by the by, handsomely enriching the unbridled war monger puppet's son, which to help the imaginary "Democrats" win their imaginary election the fixing of agenda called "the news" willfully refused to report) because he is obtusely evil and hates this thing 
called freedom (and, like all cartoon Hitlers, wants to take over OUR world,) and the US has been pouring weapons in this whole entire time (managing, win-win, to starve its social uplift) because it loves Ukrainians (even though its ceaseless provocations are sacrificing them in droves - and even though it's henchmen have now taken to complaining those postcard minions are too "casualty averse,") and also, of course, because it wants to protect what its childishly simplistic outrageously insulting soulless zombie operatives (masquerading as diplomats) so arrogantly bandy about as "exceptional" and exemplary "freedom and democracy."

cinco) you can listen to the unhinged puppet's Blinken Nod talk without wanting to throw trash at his head.

seis) you think the US also loves Australians, and that's why it's filling the outback with war machinery as it spares no expanse 
to ramp up its next sacrificial theatre.

siete) you refer to the NATO thugs as a “defensive alliance,” even though, entirely unprovoked (except for the interests of British oil and French domination,) they destroyed the most prosperous nation in Africa, to stop it from launching a new African currency that would have freed Northwest Africa from the French purse stringed yoke, allowing its curried extremists to descend Libya into an open slave market, (where some of the formerly most liberated women in the Arab World, who used to get free college and health care, now can't leave their houses uncovered,) and spewing the gun control toting, stability enfabled mislabelled Democrat's bristling pimped weapons all across the North African Sahel, raking a terror free zone into a colonially "protected" shrapnel exploding hell on earth.  (and you also manage to overlook the 
the-world-is-our-global-battlefield mafioso irony of calling it "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization" even though its vicious, bullying sights are now set on China.)

ocho) you’re more interested in Trump’s mugshot than the western-backed atrocities in Yemen, or, say, the starvation sanctions wracking Syria (which contemptuous "freedom's" uninvited rogue invaders continue to steal oil from, bloodied hand over high-tech fist.)  i could fill a whole page with this one, for the progressively militarist CIA-embedded brokered donkeys' Not Trump puppet 
has kept all his consistently precedented predecessor's illegal sanctions in place, on at least 30 nations.  this new form of colonial piracy is just as calamitous as outright war, in which, for example, the bank accounts of poor Afghans have all been stolen as a weird kind of revenge, to punish them, i suppose, for not succumbing to the "freedom" fiefdom's brutal sway.

nueve) you find protests (however concocted) in places like Iran, Venezuela or Cuba infinitely more interesting than protests in places like France, Haiti or Chile.  and when the CIA unleashed the very same extremist Uyghur terrorists it had trained up in its assault on Syria (in a failed attempt to topple one of the seven governments slated for regime change prior to 9-11, per the letter revealed by a US general on the air) back into Xinjiang, smack dab in the middle of the new silk road the capital of capital (given their cringing fear of honest competition) was trying to subvert, and they promptly started blowing up police stations and murdering people, and the Chinese government decided to try to "re-educate" them, and the "liberal" press chimed in with their conservative mirror images, bleating about totalitarian governments, it never once occurred to you that maybe, just perhaps, the perpetrators of such appalling wounds might really not be entitled to an opinion about how their once and future would be victims choose to deal with the terror flung their way.

diez) you oppose guns except when they’re being used to kill foreigners overseas.  (now that that job has already been accomplished satisfactorily here, thanks to the American Revolution, which actually commenced when the British outlawed slavery and forbade any further Westward expansion; the resulting revolutionary freedom to kill eventually managing to wipe out enough language families and cultures to hide an unseemly genocide under the proudly independent "protection" racketed patriot bracketed presumptuous and smug narrative shuffling rug of "the homeland.")

once) you’ve ever accused anyone who criticizes US foreign policy of being a Russian or Chinese stooge.  (though i do get how it's possible to confuse an insistent focus on honesty with being "unAmerican.")

doce) you’ve ever accused someone who criticizes Israel of being an anti-Semite.  (all this stoked focus on the Nazis' atrocities from eighty years back, and here we have a modern day pure race brutalising the "other" which "freedom's" "representatives" trip over themselves to support.)

and, well in time for Hallowe'en (which always lives in our hearts,)
good old number thirteen (Alfonso's absolute favourite)...

trece) you think it’s okay for the US, in either its blue or red guise (the only options, naturally, it would ever allow you to 
redundantly "vote" for) to keep waging wars, destroying nations, starving civilian populations with economic sanctions, instigating proxy wars, arming neo-Nazis and violent jihadists, staging coups
and persecuting journalists, because if it doesn’t do those things the world might
be taken over by evil tyrants.

- a wisened mouse and the wily elf, himself (decorating a down under sister's blister.)

well, that's the lot.  thanks for stopping by.

[inspired by Caitlin Johnstone's "30 Signs You Might Be An Empire Simp"]:

[ p.s. the visual aids are, ever so obviously, by the wondrous Mister Fish.]