Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Friday, April 21, 2023

"Obliterates the Police Narrative' said the headline. in the autopsy released, evidence of Little Turtle's execution is "overwhelming." so my starry eyed brother Tortuguita "never fired a weapon." those 57 bullets riddling that impossibly slender body were NEVER fired in "self-defense," as claimed by the police,
those profit ridden, "defense" bidden,
"exceptional" "upholders" of "law."

and so, (reiterates a tattered heart)...

just one more sterling example
that mainstream gleamed,

pridefully rampant,
(reflection undampened)

"right" & "wrong" seamed,

heedless disinclination
own up to our own.