Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

if seasonings were dishes (and greetings meet)

in miniature:

a children's version
the birth of actual news.

yes, Virginia,
there is
reality out there.

"America" has just
never been introduced.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

a cricket at time's hearth; ~ *>* ~*~ *~* ~*~ *<* ~ grasshopper Jiminy's soulful soliloquy

going by the mainstream's
liberally hacked,
culpability weaned,
divisive spliced,
splained and spleened,

reality hijacked,
context smithereened,
protection racket plaqued,

teaming of seeming,
nostalgia gleamed

narrative shellacking
understanding's lack

as seen in a theatre near you,

say, in the apps
the tap
stories and trappings
sorting and stamping
rampant conformity
on tapestried "happenings"

framed in
famed taming's
toxic proxies' box,

or aligned in the shrill
reassuring sidelines
of social media's
authority sororitied
tunnelled funnellings

individual awakenings

(which is to say, our only hope)

tend to sound like
grains of sand
in a fire cracked

rolling off a
nuclear optioned
fable stabled
table top.

for it's always been the case
that our relative,


more than likely
second cousin
the focus choking

naturally enough,
our enemy

like the one
we met
Pogo's gentle mirror.

and no one can define
when unbridled fleecing's
relentlessly unheeded
feed back loops,

of earthen respiration

and societal desperation,

all those industrial
mythically predisposed

infections of projection,

swirling their inevitable
karma armed
banded and binding
denial drugged
under the rug
out of mind
stackings of traction
in man-unkind's
nightmare panoply,

will snatch from our

as yet helpless,

unrecognised hands

the fragile opportunity
sparked by
the increasingly

"intelligence" monitored,

"full spectrum dominance" adhered,

fear peered
ceiling waxed

all too human

connection of the internet,

that greatest of all threats
by the
powers that own,

reflexively censored
for its radical tendency
consumptive presumption's
white god goaded
complacency bloated
winningest finned
reflectionless gloated
divinely anointed
policing greased
crowning of thy good

(which is to say,
the seal of assumption
of the independence billed
bootstrap scooted
Hollywood rooted
in piracy looted
possessive pilgrim's

will silled

freedom to kill.)


here's to a rash
of nationhood chucking,

i-magi-nation plucking,

tribal bible demagnitising,

divided conquering
skewed news imbibing
rivalries unprising,

offensive defenses untriggering,


wake up calls

before the unforeseen

already quilting at full tilt
past every elective circus,

ringing in the searing
roar of scoring profits
toted in the good guys'
inviolable dividends
Gollummed column
of precious,
plague ridden externalities

forecast amidst the
bloodless rocks,
mothering of bombs,
sanctified starvation
and genocidal tidings
of the lesser evil
otherings of collateral

snagging first place
in the concerted
selfishness absolving
change blurting
flirting skirting

bipartisan escorted
hoard boarded,
and ushered in

labour belaboured
Christ unsavoured

phased in tasered

We the
wee People

tied with pride's umbilical cord
to a competition drummed,
Nature thumbed,
scientifically progressed,
invested paranoia blessed,
racist placist
indigenous erasist

psychopathic insistence
ruling the unfurled world

tucks in
the slipped
senseless fingers

life on earth's

humanity strained dust.


- Evan Hawthorn, the 24th of November, 2020

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


and now for something completely different, in honour of yet another
focus hewing day, designed to misremember what America's relentless
beaconing does unto others, Marcella Giulia Pace offers us her winsome
colourings of the moon.  for the brown tinged grey of that mysterious
sauntering companion, hovering beyond our breathy atmosphere,
strained through a screening of framed sheenings over ten years'
devotion to perspective hoppings amidst votive Italian perches,
illumined through the varying blue light scattering and dust accruing
ruddy earthen sway, provides an almost giddying display.

repeated, defeated,
brittle skirted
and shatter shuttered;

infecting projection,
its gloom foredoomed
on obliteration's
self possessive loom;

felicitations on the remembrance of all things cast.


- Evan Hawthorn, 11 11 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

on the trail of a manticore's spore (on the day before another oarless or)

so Alfonso just bumped into the knob
that tunes up the tv,
as an anxious voice admonished us
to not turn "our nation"
over to the "crazy radical left."

as if anything approaching a left
could possibly exist
in reality's homeland.

as if a different humanitied wind
could even quiver
the relentless mainstreamed sway
of consumptive presumption's
patriot plated racist placist
indigenous erasist
rooted dismal failure
to comprehend a worldly view,

blared by the duelling
propaganda outlets,

mined by the right and whiter
firmamenting parties.

they may as well be warning us
about kindness taking hold.

or that snowball's chance in hell
we'll ever stop interfering
in other peoples' governments.

me, i'm worried about
bendy plowshares
dulling our freedom,

letting the bottom fall out
of the trillion dollar weapons industry.

and what about the scarcity of manticores?

who's gonna' save us from those
ubiquitous unicorns,

poking holes in our tightly reined
nationhooded projection,

focusing its profitable dearth
of selfless connection's
universal reflection

on the starless midnight,

so bleakly oblique,

of barking's darkling matter?


- Evan Hawthorn, the last day of severing's nethered ever

Saturday, October 31, 2020

(it being Hallowe'en and all...)


enriched by
dimensional differences,
dear Linus and i
go on hatching our patches.

he burns a temporal candle,
howling praises for greatness,
whilst i,
on another, timorous hand,
yearn for an Illuminated Pumpkin.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

the framing that tamed the naming of fascism <*>><<*> (the trumping of a bump in the lumpen night)

and so,
fallowed in the narrows
and barrel heralded,

the ringed siding
runged from the right
progressively possessive
hallowed liberal lights

would have us believe,

loosed upon
the bravely staved
liberty plowing
of the disconsolate
banders of sand,

loomed in the lurid headlights
of the electively untuned,
that art in heaven,
praetorian Pentagon's
shock of ages
coronation usurping
bull in a china chopping block
dives of the rich and famous,
glommed aplomb
for pluming
the duking of the Klan,
bomb mothering,
presidentially perfumed,
compassion entombing
unprecedented beast


rears again its ugly head.

and yet,

(bearing in mind
the many ways
there doubtless are

of skinning the blindered,
Wee the mindered,
blithely abiding People)

what is so convincingly
being defined here,

shorn of its floodlighting
comparison garrisoned
lobotomy by dichotomy,
revile compiling
ism calling card,

is surely the very
selfsame thing

that all the most promising
practical politicians,
the very best cropping up
sopping up,
rusted us or thrusted bust
dusted crust of leaders

in the netting of vetting's
trendset abetting,
patriot bait ladening,
vesting of editors
and nesting screenwriters,

and the called in authoritied,
evidence free jamboree
of commentator sororitied

(and now a word from our
weaponized sponsors)

well spoken spokespersons,

thronging along
with that vintage singsonged
unfulfilled longing
the winningest heroes,
patriot preachers
and paid to yea slay sayers

in the seamless teaming
of unindicted war criminals
and broken toy generals
in armchairs and consoles,

seventeen proliferating
unaccountable agencies
of unconstitutional
coup plotters,
turbulence allotters and spies,

the rearing of fearing's
careening careering
boxes of cheered
steerings of fearleaders,

the bipopular demanders
of me too's fire on the pyre
exempt white feminist
richly peremptory
trials by headline,

and last not least
in the inevitable yeast,
the trust embedding
voicings over
anchors of gravitas -

all that passes
the constructed obstructed ken
the designer IVs

with their carefully maimed
opposing flavours
and currented savours,
coming up roses hoses,
and divisive spurting

emotively poking
those red and blue
separately herded receptors

in faining's planing
vanely reining,
intelligence obstaining,
infection of projection
mainstreaming of media,

and throwing in
the whole canned and reserved
preserves of domination
at whatever the cost
kit and kaboodle

from Sunday school teachers,
and super hero action flicks
to sporting's vicarious
paraded testosterone windups
manned up mythical
toasty hoaxed folksy
fireside chats) -

'tis the very same
exclusively appropriated
we decide whose freedom
gets invaded
god's grace pervaded
purely raced force debased thing

all these crowning thy good
blindering Americans
unable to see the genocidal
monopolised policing greased
seizure of shining seas
they've been swimming in

have been uniformly presenting
as the world's sole exceptional

reeled wheels of exemplary freedom

for all these starless, midnight years

since they managed
to securely isolate
the contagiously
and disorderly
myriad forest
of untamed vision

lurking in the spontaneous
free association
of communes,
indigenous holy persons,
recalcitrant love children,
Latin American
liberation theologists,
and all those
Nazi squashing socialists
murdered in Greece and Italy
as the greatest degeneration
tidied up its post goodly war
saving the world theatre,

amidst an
insistently misted
unnamed host
of ghosted, silenced,
and sidelined thinkers,
the Black Panthers,
Robert F. Kennedy,
Ho Chi Minh,
Gamal `Abdul-Nasser,
Patrice Lumumba,
Kwame Nkrumah,
Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
Luiz In
ácio Lula da Silva,
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar,
Eugene V. Debs,
Che Guevara,
Crazy Horse,
Malcolm X,
Jesus Christ,
the Buddha,
Martin Luther King.

and then,
after the long expected arrival
of the manifestly destined,
connection to humanity scoffing,
silken glove doffing,
independence offing,
plague ridden blankets
handed out coughing,

overdue karma
of Custer disappointed,

cash register anointed,
obsessively pointed to
culpability disjointed,

avidly groomed by
"reality's" producers
and the abdicated press
to capture all attention
from those lever pulling,
extinction fueling,
fealty to cruelty
inequality accruing,
psychopathic jewellers
tucking Americana's
paranoia first
slushed prophets of war
behind their velvet curtains,

the slithering con man
self possessed par excellence,

pride's genocide lionist
capitalist piranha prima donna
xenophobic Zionist messiah,

the keeps on spieling
make my day
what's in it for me shtick
carrying the biggest
bullying dick,

that complete and perfect

of belief naif
in the 
state's own

(inked by George Washington
synced by Andrew Jackson
gushing since John Wayne)

racist placist propaganda

at long last
was able to bring
the tattered and bartered,
sapped battery
of railed empaling's
privilege tillaged,
memory hole trolled,
eavesdrop treaded,
faith based followers
consumptive presumptive
infotained accomplices
the Masters of War's
profiteering party
that nonsensically
calls itself Democratic

to finally notice fascism's
eloped from history
quarantinable existence,

and the apparition
of opposition's
regency of specious
militant apparency
pops up on schedule,

closing all the doors
and arching all the windows,
garotting teamless eyes
with a kine boothed dome,

lugging out Hitler
for the zillionth consecutive
of identification reassigning
playstation demonisation,

issuing pointed definitions

(to sharpen the traction
of elusive either oring's
protraction of distraction),

increasing the warnings
from yellow to orange,

to head us nasty Russian bots
and Iranian bedwetting stooges
off at the treasonous pass

(because who the hell else
could possibly be on the left
of the self appointed good guys
whose fingerprints are on
the throats of starving children
and whose divinely mined
intervening protection
requires eight hundred
military bases
in other peoples' spaces?)

to tell us with their
shrugged rug tugging,
purse string strung
diversitied slight of face
the umpteenth time

we can vote against it

simply by voting for it.


'well, ain't that a relief?'

sighed Ahmed,

(a fragile brown eyed memory
of unrecognisable untethered skin
on that flattened little hill
left over from the second
surprise drone attack
to obliterate a cousin's wedding
and harvest all his sheep,

a year from Thursday last,

that nobody who's anybody
will ever talk about.)


Evan Hawthorn
, the 25th of October, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

[and now we pause, here in alienation's supinely primed homeland, for a duplicitous message from the proud liberal sponsors of unrepentant nuclear aggression]: >*< "The Strung, Freedom Wrung, Unimpeded March of Chimes" *(an honest history of the lockstep trajectory of the last fifty years)*

you mean to tell me
that all the way back then
they'd already mastered
the reassuring art
of flipping creamed
and finessed
feel good phrases

wrought entirely
the specious "helpings"
empty narrative

meant to string along
ubiquitously blanketed,
unminded presumption

projected infection
protracted redaction's
distracted inaction 

masquing the acute
destitute reality
that democracy's
minority stifling,
photo op trifling,
independence siphoning,
absolved revolving half
the tinned sin prideful refining,
wince tinting, whiteness minting,
spin dinning, 
libertied rifling,
war "winning",
brotherhood knifing,
vicious circling status quo

in fact actually,
most assuredly and obtusely,
as an unalterable matter
of parring its course,

resolutely serve
the rote,
colour by number,
runnething asunder
lavishly funded "interests"
of oligarchical masters 

and that,

after all this time,

excepting a fragile hiccup

(from back in the dewy day when
they could still be made afraid of us)

shuddering its fractured opening
breath of freedom's
unconditional love
for our mother's othered children,

shakening the awakening sixties,

startling whole schools of fish
with the unexpected
the pooling of prevailing's
strident abiding
genocidal tides
they'd been swimming in

as t
he Trilateral Commission
so tellingly put it in the seventies

(once the dust from the nick of time
CIA assassinations had settled
and the "presidential"
had been safely restored,
allowing an in depth focus
on the mere making of waves),

the "excess of democracy" crisis
in which the "wrong people"
thought they deserved a voice

compellingly silenced
by its promptly profited by
bud nipping recommendations,
thanks to the
monied establishment's
Black Panther stamping,
think tank ramp revamping
Me First regeneration
of the Star Wars and Alzheimer's
warlord trademark
zippity do dahed 
dippered Gipper,

after all these intervening decades,

(that is to say,
this otherwise unwavering trajectory
of well over half a century)

during which
the focus cloaked, whorily chorused,
offensively knotted, Overton slotted,
lockstep bipartisan march to the right

relentlessly moved us,

rocketing stock
querulous barrels,

almost off the dangling edge
humanitied earth,


turning "Democrats"
into far right Republicans

from the pander laced
complacent patrioptics
of law abiding Nazis
in the nineteen thirties)

and "Republicans"
into aluminum sided,
platinum blinded,
Christ eviscerated
baptising ostriches
ducked in dunes
pale insecurity's surety
merciless radical goons;


qualmlessly evolving
the trifecta'ed slurping up
of what were once
public funds
in the no child left
an independent mind
uniformly stormed
privatising of schools,

screening out even
uptight tradition's
next door to atrophied
remote possibility
of kindling and nurturing
humans to think;


at long last resolving
the always creased
and pocketed Congress
into a stasis entrenching
parasitic millionaires' club;


rendering the judicial branch
a militant withered shrub
of paranoia flaked,
industriously raked,
psychopathically staked,
"full spectrum dominance"
opaqued state secrecy;


harassing and starving
the remaining unflinching
independent nations

the unanimous animus
of the bullying empire's
ruled "consensus"
birthday suit institute
of dapper wrapped
stenographer clothiers

vehemently assures us
bad guys bar Sinister
haters of freedom, all)

despite bipartisan spite's
seamlessly indefatigable
unending molestation,
nonetheless engaged
in fine tuning
the mile in their own moccasins
of their own songs;


smugly presiding over
the united jingoistic fronted
"State Department"
turned de facto mafioso
compliance enforcers 

openly cohooting with
the IMF and World Bank
to twist the thumbscrews of austerity
on the obedient little minnows
anxious to avert
the disastrous
the Mother of Bombs

(Mama's little helper "democracies")

that tow,
in escrow,

the profitable line;


religiously employing
woodwork crawling

zombie legions
of corporate operatives,
like so many evil monks,
their hatching pens never leaving off
those "free trade" agreements
Clinton and Obama obsessively pressed,


resulting in casting out
large numbers of our cousin

corn planters of intrepid subsistence,
nuestras familias Méxicanas,

unable to compete with
the beacon of
marketing subsidised floods,

suffering the little children
of lingering land theft's
bereft unrecognised neighbours
to grapple amidst
the piled refuse
of the world's most hopeless
sprawl of desperate density,


simultaneously forcing
precariously ensconced
indigenous farmers
throughout the
Gorgon of Globalisation's
hobbling gobbled South
to give up their grandmothers'
locally resilient seeds

as tax payer guilded megafarms
spread genetic engineering
to the utter ends of dearth

where single expansed crops
so vulnerable to climate change
(or the next biblical plague
of single minded locusts)
require oft as not
bankrupting fertilisation,

belching forth literally
hundreds of thousands
of (scrupulously unreported
in the wealth obsessed,
self possessed
press of the West)
ends unmet
family let down
fertiliser sluiced suicides,


and likewise making standard
the obscene right of corporations,

(like, say, Canadian mining outfits)

to sue ostensible states,

(as in rainforested Ecuador)

for exorbitant fortunes

(a brand new form
of the wiles of the West's
intrusive extortion),

successfully alleging
the unconscionable crime
of interfering with expectant profits
by trying to protect 
their environments,

(a taken to heart
attempted representation
all but unimaginable
here in alienation's
supinely primed homeland)

rendering their citizens
as voiceless over policy
as Americans themselves,

"free trade" thus liberating
independent sovereignty
of any meaning at all,

rather underscoring
the basic lie of nationhood

now that Western based,
piracy traced,
internationally faced corporations
buy and sell countries
like so many ruptured futures,

like powerless macrocosms
of the disregarded masses
they routinely prey upon

whilst patting the Kumbaya backs
of the Euro descent
pride goeth descant
of chosen "essential" people,

rippling with all those
Hollywood stipulated
benevolent intentions

that allow them to critique
other peoples' choices
and forms 
of government

in need of being
productively realigned
with their "good guy" inclined,
white god goaded,

blithely styed,
righted side of "history";


unleashing Pandora's
suicidal juggernaut
of outrageous inequality

(incidentally left out
in the red stained rains
at the stormed Bastille)

by steadily accruing
over several decades
the virtual dismantling
of all functioning oversight,

(long before the monopolied misledia's
Frankenstein flocking the paling kine
wee willy syndrome poster child,

strutting the ratings of distraction
before their velvet curtains,
bringing Christmas every day
to the Mammon gammoned elite,
was even groomed to stomp along)

clogging our tear ducts
with thousands
of untested chemicals,

(their unstudied interactions
predisposing maladies
in pre-bundled
laden blessings yet to come),

snuffing the oceans,
along with our bloodstreams,
with eternally infernal plastics,
sizzling the last living coral reefs,
summoning earthquakes
in frack attacks on the real
homelanded Americans'
remnant earthen berths,
replacing Brazilian rainforest
with soybeans for beef,
antibiotic stuffed,
ozoned miles racking up
flown half way round the world,

strangling every reined bit
of raving air wave caved,
quality of life waived,
veiled public thievery paved,
tailed minority jailed,
health care third railed,
white sale impaled Commons,

leaving ripped up roads,
poisoned water,
and the no longer necessary,
drawn and quartered,
misinformed in two flavours
aimed at rival receptors
ghosted citizen indebted "consumers"
in an uncertain and tremulous
pestilent wake;


persistently enabling
the pilgrims' progress
in aid of
erasist crusade
of accustomed domination's
blatantly criminal
"regime change" agenda

(under the might privileging,
monopolised right to police,

empathy circumcised,
lorded, awed, and bordered,
competition mestastasised,
mesmerised guise of


maintaining the tainting
of "exceptional" delusion's
careening equilibrium,
its unveering steering
taken in 
racist placist turns,

the protection racket's
stacked and bracketing
stockbroken asses
offsetting the vendettings
of lead weighted Republicans,

tilling facebook's
networked fretwork
authority sororitied hymnbook
of slicked specious flicks,
foreshadowing bloodied sands
and honing in drones
in the share if you agree
impairment apogee
of the volunteer stable
of fable enabled clicking cliques'
rigged emotive tugging sticks
for the game of throning stones,

and with their spare money is time
from sounding the silence
of a liberty shredded,
willingly treaded,
spied upon populace,

propping up the never letting up
funding of coups and terrorist gangs
and the violent proning of protests
tormenting the designated
noosed or rebranded
yet to be swallowed lands,

enhancing "stability's" instability
on half a demonised,
chaffed, or f
êted calfed,
ours for the terrorising


and to those entwining
action packed, high-tech pecked,
manned up, Risk
® rearing,
righteous god spearing,
super hero justifying ends,

showering inconceivable trillions
on the rogue military beast

(each budget a broken record
regardless of party in power,
with one of the first feats
of the braying donkeys'
recent newfound majority 
upping Trump's bid
by nearly a hundred billion)

which naturally results
in stripping bare
the social programs
they pretend to be
(but couldn't possibly be) for, 

just like MLK
warned us they were doing
over fifty years ago

and yet,

one is tempted to
incredulously reiterate,

meanest thou to verily

despite that overwhelming litany
of insistently overlooked,
evasion distorted,
projection of framings
falsely "reported",
conspiracy blearied
treasonous courted,

(Edward and Julian,
Chelsea and Noam's
crucifixions demanded
for the crime of making
unforgivably clear)

unteamed eyes to see

unselfied ears to hear

wholly observable truth,

here in the evidence free
sea of shining me
fear stoking lee
the CIA embedded,
super power unindicted,
ultimate doomsday embowered,

afflicting dominance addicted,
extinction fermenting
change blocking party
the shock doctrine aristocracy's
choiceless shoved hypocrisy
starless midnight blight
attacking Trump from the right
hypnotic joke on democracy

the progressively conformist
faith based followers
clinging to their strings

are still latched on
to their entirely predictable,
context omitted,
presumption tightly knitted,
lesser evil retrofitted
hallucinogenic narrative?

surely you jest.

how depressing
can the predetermined unobservance
unattended reality get?

like roller coasters,
cinematic bloodbaths,
and the spilled, spitting thrills
of the alpha abetted misogyny
of propagandic pornography,

ever more horrific
heart stopping come acropping
inconceivably despicable
world destroying boogie men
preempting even a stray
quavering voice
meaningful change,

forever forbidding
a single vote against
divinely anointed child starvation
and the resistance is futile
mass murder of parents

aren't half as scary
as the systematic void
that consistently creates them. 

Jiminy Cricket, Lucy,

i don't even PLAY f*cking football!


- Evan Hawthorn, the doggedly repetitive phased in daze of misbegotten summer,
in the supremely ironic year of our hoard directing overlords, 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020

what the paranoid psychopath chortled; a treasonous soliloquy leaked by Kassandra (from an unwanted poster in the plushed awkward hush of transparency's crypt)

[a pithy reimagining, fused and remused, of a year old sapling,
concisely precising the meaningless quibble over stubble in
Obama Trumped entwining beholden's trolled "difference."]:


"keep us safe"
cried the
mythically weaned,
winningly meaned,

immaculately screened people,

in the ubiquitous
undead stead
of the ramparted glare,

pledging allegiance
to the identity-plied,
privilege personified,

bipolar caparisoned,
uniformly garrisoned,

paranoid psychopath


as he murdered
three million
crying babies,
little old ladies,
artists, theorists,
teachers and
swelling belles,
charmless swells,
emaciated farmers,
angst sprung teens,
and brave unstaved
of independence;


as he theorized
in the slipstream
of domination,

tipping dominoes,

dodging natural
with Hitler

(for successfully
reality twisted,
presumption encysted,
insistently enlisted
beyond remembering);


as he fenced in
and leased
the stolen plots
used to be
México del Norte;


as his successive
'presidential' precedents
thumped brazen chests
mourned the "loss" of Cuba
disturbingly consistent journals

handing on or mislaying
a Caribbean island
"emerald" bead
their upper crust entrusted,
choker brokered,
liberty wrung "necklace";


as his pure race embracing
unreal estating agents

astonishingly redistricted
the entirety
Latin America

as a Euro-lashed,
conquistador zoned,
big brotherly intoned,
disappeared bone strewn,
holy subsidiary "backyard";


as his eternally famished,
never questioned "interests",

having already swallowed
second helpings
on oceans and continents,

still found room

(his main
resented creditor
and inscrutable object
of obsessive fixation,

having managed to pull
a billion souls out of poverty,

and more threatening still
to the dollar's
divine stranglehold
doling out starvation,

nefariously embarked
on linking up
the underrated planks
of a multipolar world);


as he snapped at the heels
of fearsome giant slayers,
Sasha and Alexei,

the very day

to snatch the barest
exemplary breeze,

lest a serf


should accidentally
uncommodifiable freedom;


as he went on the lamb
from sheepish justice,

fancying himself
'essential global policeman'

(long before
the penned and cushioned
inheritors of whiteness
could be brought
to see what that meant),
proceeding to sanction
his hysterical hallucinations
hypothetical fabrications

draped on the unconscionable
nuclear weapons

he's yet to face

(not just on those two
unforgivable occasions
in that muscling fit
of tough guy bulging,
territory duking
yellow menace rebuking
god blessed hubris,

but every other
clinically psychotic,
utter failure of diplomacy
threatening instance since,

red state blue state,
bunk betrunked
practically assed,

over and over
and over

like a Mafioso hit man
regardless of outfit,

only knows
how to do
lawless thing);


as his revered, slavery depraved,
dearth berthed, gold crushed,
thanksgiving stuffed ancestors

silenced entire language families
in the
unchattelled wilderness

that haunts
unrecognised despair;


as he divvied and chivvied
the 'underdeveloped'
(yet to be enveloped)
threadbare survivors

the yet to benefit
from global baking,

pre-prosperous 'global south'

from their
capitalist jonesing,
indigenous communing,
nature in tuning,
myriad better selves;


as he tore through
the crusade plagued,
Armageddon stained,
siphoned profit planed,

broken cradle

riddling the Middling East,

thrusting imperfect
fragile congregations
of precariously existing,
careworn human beings

other innocent
or falling,
living things

into the Western railed,
historically availed,
colonial nailed "consensus"

of consumptive intervention's

white manned,
burdened and behooved,
decimation improved,
free world greased
and dividend grooved,
cavernous open wound
gaping and oozed,

mass induced stone age;


as his teamed and seeming,
forted, purported,
distortion escorted
'liberals' and 'conservatives'

(by all their other names)

shouted down
their not so respective
narrative declarative
media consortiums'

complacent abidings
in tribally dialed,
regimentally turnstiled,
context exiled,
emotive stoking
denial's riled pride;


as he arranged countless coups

in that peculiarly American
theocracy shrouded,
progress clouded,
hypocrisy compounded,

counterintuitive 'spreading'

of the less is more shredding



as he hounded
the would be
shining seeds
in the
sea of seen to

(curbed, tortured,
sticked and stoned)

spurned seers of truth,

stamping out
the slightest
sentient bloom

the parched
and withered
might have been
an honestly informed citizenry;


as he became the number one
weapon's supplier
on earth's fragile canoe,
offshoring all his other factories,

dashing the winds
organised labour
in the crushing fell swoop
of austerity's parody
of parity repair,

a global race
for starvation wages
in manically inflicted
depression addicted,
"free trade" depicted,
winner take all
parasitic roulette,

to focus only
on predatory profit,

pimping every lethal
the devil

from pocket humping
(not just glad to see you) pistols

to the latest experiments
in viral interference's
selective adherence
to dna strands;

from the depleted uranium
that poisoned the future
of Al-Fallujah,
punishing their battered
determined independence

to the next generations
of fiendish inventions
that sizzle skin
and leave no trace

so dependably advertised
by Hollywood's spurting,

flirtful diverting,


routinely endorsed
by an abdicated media,
turned state's witness
a century ago

with the
impress of freedom's
liberally suited,
justification booted
zombie resurrection

born again
the establishment's
empirical confirmary
of "left" and "right"
indivisibly clothed
stenographers of record;

reflexively enforced
by a "state" department
long given over
to 'resistance is futile'
bullyings asunder
piracy's plunder,

furthering the
convective disaffecting
of the CIA's hooded,
Saudi monarchical,
slyly apocryphal,
hedged and betting,
rogue and bogus
simmering droves,

those rabid packs
of head chopping,
slickly flicked,
terror fendered,
avidly funded

and the staged rage
of "free press" enhanced,
covertly financed,
rabble rousing,
viciously bruting,
'freedom' espousing
molotov rebels

aimed wherever
uniformly despised
demonised nations,

still unaligned

have managed to survive,

with the fulsome support
of the foaming upper crust's
decaying dust,

living on gilded memories
America's greatest degeneration

in the slippery velvet
whispering lee
of handsomely gloved,
corporate sponsored,
tailored and wedded,
whorily embedded,
inflicted dictators
all their bleached
and brightened,
regime gleamed
gory glory,

fomenting every
imaginable misery
fall upon

the poorest
the poor.



any remotely conscious,
bleeder of the free world

Martian on holiday

clapping a few eyes
on the rank trail
of bank cranked misleaders

would likely be able to grasp,

without even straining
the universal integrity
of intelligence divining
rabbit eared antennae,

"keep us safe"

is precisely the thing
paranoid psychopaths
are not designed to do.

'twould go against
the (ambered waves of) grain

(in those
nutritionally hampered,
invasively tampered,
scandalously pampered
big ap bumpered plains.)

and anyway,
we have it
from Saint Obama's
scripted well spoken
mesmerant lips
the latest 'liberal' lulling,

given the freely admitted
"overriding purpose"
"full spectrum dominance"

has never been
the intention at all.

for smack in the gist
of all this
bipartisan charted
mainstream hosed
imposed projection,

leering through ominous
Orwellian foreshadows
ahead of its time,

what is this recurrent fell beast,

lurking in the sexed up trappings,
roped in hopings,
doped change elopings,
and soul to sleep scope creep
of status latticed quid pro quo
dystopian gropings?

sheltered from shepherded view
in the spangle shingled
why look at the past
unindicted war criminal
spattered hymnals
yanking the blinders
on the red and blue folds
of silken seclusion,

shadily aligned behind
the media's Frankenstein,
curtly blurting, obscenely preening,
register ringing golden goose
buzz of distraction Buffoon of Oz,

lost amidst the berserking perks,
opium shuffling shades of trade,
and stately looms of doom
in the smirking and gloating
white men in suits pursuit
of the freeboot looting
Freudian gloaming

'tis Jack the Ripper himself

brittle chipped fingernails

frantically scratching his face;

forever talking about foreign threats,

paving the John Wayne
memorial pilgrim praised,
dawn's early light
(that lit on multiple
Cheyenne massacres) unphased,
national scolding make my days,
semiquincentennial glazed,
feel good tutorial daze

of the good dead indian
mother of bombs and just deserts
sanctimonious happy endings
golden oldie likeness molded
inherently racist craze

for the high tech blessed,
benevolence tressed,

popcorn digressed,

righted side
history caressed,

industrious obliteration
vulnerable victims;

glaring suspiciously
from the fanning,
canted slant
eight hundred bristling
militant bases

planted in
other peoples'
disrespected spaces;

impelled by manifest destiny's
essential disconnection,

stalwart aversion to reflection,

and the fathomless emptiness
reeking from the welling
of the
knelled reeling selling
of craven stolen haven's
impenetrable chasm
insatiable need,

fed by rival rivulets
of lushly sponsored,
mainstream creamed
creedings of greed,
affixing its agenda
on the redoubtable scaffolds
of age old anxiety's
need to be right blight
and stabled enfabling
tolding's posh holdings
of boldly stolen airwaves;

hounding the
fish in a barrel paralyzed steps
of its treason seasoned
patriotic prey
like the consummate pimp
it's always been
since the
nineteen ought
ostrich's to the slaughter
bought their first
versed hearse
world war lost,

sinking in
its stainless fabricked,
surreptitiously classed,
brassed propaganda
by the psychologically
gelling magic
of virtue curfewed
evidence free barrage
trumpeted and blared,
abject agreed upon
mindlessly repetitive,
plausitive uncausitive,
chirped regurgitation.

and just when
the sudden onset
of a pole to pole
climate controlled
rampant clamped
dissent rent
is so conveniently
covering the tracks

of advancing automation's
robotic belaboured
scabbed droning apped
harsh and precipitate
plunging of millions
the abruptly destituted,
no longer necessary
cramped crevices
We the wee People's
discontinued redundance

(another anticipated
amassing of disruption
propelling our minders'

nightmare quelling
protest dispelling

everywhere at once
militarisation of police)

comes the pièce de résistance
of errant arrogance's
failure to survive
its blithe suicide
can't miss countdown
to the breathlessly exclusive,
revolution preempting,
must see season finale
the super duped,
power afflicted,
let them be staked,
the Commons baked,
though karma tardy
hardly yet flowered,
alpha spooked,
Barbie and Biff
manikin cowered,
broken toy general
armchair bowered,
manna from heaven's
pennies showered

final betrayal of humanity;

a razzle-dazzle
sunset spectacular,
go for the jugular,
collision with
collusion's delusion,

its climaxed lost raiders
parked in a Jurassic
cattle prodded paddleless
earth tremor raptured
shark infesting ark

for lucre sodden,
blistering tryst
twisting fate fisted,
coastline flooded,
aquifer misted,
desert smouldered,
borders disordered,
small cruelties
indulgently engulfed,
microplastic middened,
desperation maddened,
homeless trampled refugees
overrun and hemorrhaged,
endangered species
all gone missing,
uppity primate
giddily pittanced,
fare thee oil well riddanced,
summer splintered
nuclear wintered,
man unkind out of the line,
profit bidden melt down.


oh, land of banded insecurity,

home of the sounding rings
encircling freedom,

shooting like a drug
the significance
of nothing,

defensed pretense,

thy promise

in one

underneath the smoking charnel,
pitiless shards,
thousand year radiant shrapnel

of thine eternally coveted


shaken thee awake!

hearest not?

o servant of monstrous conformity
left, right, and centre
quadrennially paraded,
lauded, pandered and boarded,
lorded, lawed and ordered,
codependent independence drag

'tis of thee,

that sole exceptional
genocide abiding
shining thee,

the exasperated,


flattened lady sings.

- Evan Hawthornthe unlooked for ides betiding July, 2020