Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"bad people"

i saw this stale, simple-minded slather from old 'Dead Hands Moses' himself and i had
to comment.  as if human beings can be sorted into simplistic, benign or malevolent,
all or nothing categories.  like gods or devils.  as if those who think they're "good guys"
don't inflict harm.  as if believing "we" are the good guys and "they" the bad ones
doesn't result in ample room for hate and zero tolerance for self evaluation, or
even honest observation, feeding the delusional exceptionalism and patriotism our
politicians pander to, as ugly when the nazis practiced it as it is coming out of Trump's
pie hole, or dripping from War Queen Hillary's polished, silver tongue.  as if this binary,
"us versus them" propaganda doesn't furnish wars with willing fodder, and can't be
aimed at any ethnic, or vaguely discernible, "different" group the corporate planners
of empire, their media mouthpieces, fatuous clowns or folksy presidents shake their
sticks at.  just ask one of the four million used-to-be Asians, those impoverished farmers
with their devalued families full of fragile toddlers, fractious teens, and frail elders
that we've "taken out" during the last fifty years.  or one of the guests at all those
wedding parties.  oh wait, you can't.  many of them couldn't even be identified.
well, you can take our "freedom protectors'" word for it – they were all bad people.
"gooks" and other, equally effective epithets, easily inserted in the "bad guy" slot.
of course, that's only a rough estimate.  we left off counting their corpses when our
journalists climbed into bed with our hired guns.  it's too much work identifying all those
fragments and charred remains, and why bother, when such unimportant lives from
Obama's "inessential" nations don't even merit inclusion in Washington's Community
of Subdued Colonies, or notches on Mr. Heston's gunbelt, a suitably phallic memento
of the non-stop propaganda he churned out all those years in his sterling and exemplary
service for the war industry, before the advent of video games rendered his inculcation
of impressionable, insecure youth redundant.  let's go kill us some more of them
"bad people" now.  (just tell me who they are).

- Evan Hawthorn, the 28th of November, 2015

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