Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Sunday, June 12, 2016

thrice yikes! (the latest chapter from my novella-poem in progress "Sludge White and the Seven Curmudgeons")

the door of the spookhouse lugged itself open
to accommodate the animated broom,
attending to attenuated tissues
and briskly dislodging accretions of gloom.
a turbulent breeze rattled the garden
and Sharpebeake and Dithery dived out of its tide.
observing the approaching hail of petals
the broom stiffly bristled and swept back inside.

as the sun took its turn arraying the bower
a staggered Sappy emerged from the trees.
propelled by the vision thrust upon him
he stumbled to the grotto and slumped to his knees.

Dithery landed next to her sister
in a fluster of feathers and sputtering caws.
tilting her head, she said "shouldn't we help him?
i fancy there's something amiss with his paws."

"that's one of our fledgling's pedestrian projects.
you needn't fret.  i expect it can crawl."

Dithery demurred.  "the poor wingless things!
it's a wonder they manage to waddle at all!"

as Lumpy was ladling seconds on porridge
a sheathed figure waltzed through the kitchen door,
and milking a theatrical entrance
a drapery of frippery flopped on the floor.
Trixie the barmaid from the Gimpy Gait,
patched lashes glitzed in glitter, lush lips glazed in gloss
flaunted jeweled hands on pert, sashaying hips,
his lavender curls like flippant candyfloss.

Rashful bridled as he plunked down the fritters
on the quivering edge of going berserk.
"how am i expected to scrounge up breakfast
with people leapin' from the freakin' woodwork?"

the minstrel laughed as he pushed out a chair.  "how's Trix?
has the Contra Band been clapped in the clink?"
but he couldn't hear the disgruntled answer
over Rashful's thrashing dishes in the sink.

"i'm afraid i've come with unpleasant tidings
spilled from a goon what was cryin' in his mead."

"unless our sainted sock's gone spastic" piped Mock
"the ill wind that brought you is freighted indeed."

Trixie flinched as he noticed Solomon,
deferentially nodding his swiveling head.
since none of the others were disconcerted
he feigned nonchalance to camouflage his dread.

Sylvana passed him the last of the kippers
and Gropey plucked his knife from a swishing scrap.
though unnerved by the bumping cutlery
he managed to evict the fingers from his lap.
when Mock sent out runners to fetch the salt
his affected composure left off its pretense.

"seein' as your mouth's already open" snapped Mock
"what say you dish dirt and siphon suspense?"

"oh, right!  well, the clangin' wankers are on the move.
your lot's been decreed a terrorist cell.
a pod of the People's Free Collective
hatchin' Commie plots in the godless pits of hell.
i think that's how the pickled git put it.
that, and you're behind the princess's abduction."

Mock seemed pleased.  "now that's deflective invective!
offending logic with dodgy deduction."

Rashful caught sight of something in the window
that snagged his attention and held it in thrall.
as he sidled unnoticed through the back door
Mary the banshee glided in from the hall.

"who's tickling my ears with that dulcet din,
budging a coffer that's scraping up the grout?
wee as a gnome, or some other slight kin.
but the garden's gone dark and i can't make him out."

elation ensued which funneled through Lumpy.
"our Sleazy and Chester are back in the fold!"

Mortimer's wonder was tempered with velvet.
"just prior to the rain.  it's what she foretold."

frayed percussive patterns were pelting the panes
as smudged clouds thickened, injecting gloaming gloom.
and those in the kitchen were stricken at once
with a ponderous presentiment of doom.

"some comely peddler must be hawkin' glum pusses."
Sleazy in a snit sauntered through the room.
"ain't none of you chuffed or rubbin' your peepers?
this grubbery smacks of an overbooked tomb."

it was then that the siege made itself known
with a seismic breach that loosed their apprehension,
a jarring affront on lateral boundaries
displacing their spatial comprehension.
and it rattled the foundations of the spookhouse
arousing the dust of unsettled fears,
while waves of shock blown out of proportion
dispersed a distortion that hammered in their ears.

it ratcheted into an unsteady rhythm
jolting them out of their stupefied trance,
jilting bouncing plates off jittery shelves
like angst-addled slammers at a brittle punk dance.
as a burnt, acrid smell stung startled senses
an ominous rift fretted though the rafters.
the cracked oven door sprang open with a thud
deflating the soufflé they'd stashed for afters.

Sylvana and the bard were first on their feet
ducking under Mary, flapping through the hall,
almost tripping on the trundling watchrug
rolling rolled up in a slumping, flumping ball.
they pulled up short where the entrance had been
and Pally was prying a still smoking boulder
egged on by the frenzied, hook-slinging hat rack
upending itself to bolster his shoulder.

panicking mammals were hurtling in
as they frantically scrambled for somewhere to hide.
a shivering rabbit pierced everyone's hearts
with eerie, shrill cries too wretched to abide.
the shuddering tremors had unhinged the shutters
and thus a terrible racket ensued;
derailed by the throes of stark indecision
they slammed shut and open, coming quite unglued.

the careening flight of the barreling monkey,
entailing the broom and bits of the floor
was crossly curtailed by a lumbering bear,
despondently pawing the fragmented door.
as Mortimer scanned for flashes of armour
a catapult hurled another assault,
etching in the earth the ramifications
that spread like the scars of reciprocal fault.
Chester's presence was dappling the forest
with a restless strain of itinerant dusks,
blotting ephemeral visits of doubt
foraging for conscience in the helmeted husks.
for even in the ranks that trample defiance
enforcing for order its biddable train
a penchant for compassion perversely persists
hatching attachments to mitigate pain.

the twilights cavorted with the bruised, leaden clouds
assembled like threats of angry disdain,
frowning on the skittish, indecisive bursts
that bandied about the intermittent rain.

deeper in the woods Rashful startled Sappy
rooting out secrets beneath the ancient eaves;
immersed in the first commiseration,
imbibing the sighs of impressionable leaves.

"you missed my breakfast to dawdle in a daze?"
he snickered while flicking incidental burrs.
"i expect your daisies have all gone to seed.
ods bodkins!  what's joggin' that noggin' of yours?"

"if you must know, i've had another vision."
Sappy kept twitching, spilling trepidation.
Rashful's mouth opened, but nothing came out.
and the trees went on absorbing milling tension.

then the burden gushed with headlong abandon.
"we were surrounded.  i saw it, clear as day.
the royals and their minions.  they'd found us out.
Guanyin in a window, holding them at bay.
windy beyond belief.  and here's the weirdest part.
our Weepy was dancing with Pasty's deer.
she herself was awake.  embracing Sylvana.
swamped in pink petals, swirling round the bier."

the ground seemed to slip from under Rashful's feet
as the wind picked up and he sank to his knees.
at that precise moment both of them grasped
the conspicuous drift of the stiffening breeze.
***** ** ***** ** ***** ** ***** ** *****
- Evan Hawthorn, the 12th of June, 2016

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