Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

ensnaring hares with scary bears (oh, my!)

it's astonishing how many sentient persons
are caught in the snares
of the latest Russian scare,

brought to us by the very people
who crushed
the independence of the sixties,
subverted the dreams of Latin America,
opened the clouds of hell
above Southeast Asia,
and condemned large swaths
of the Middle East
to rediscovering the stone age,

the dependably duplicitous CIA,

with the righteously remunerated,
self-aggrandizing encouragement
of their insatiable enablers

those virtuous beacons of truth,
the Times and the Post,
and the Party that pretends
to be Democratic.

now this league of lesser,
more effective demons
is condemning the
Great Strutting STrumpet's
outrageous crop
of dead disruptors.

not for being a despicable gang
of disastrous,
disassembling dissemblers,

for communicating with the Russians
and attempting to interrupt
the eternal pounding
of nuclear war drums.

(and just when our Nazi bedfellows
were so handily installed in the Ukraine,
throwing over yet another
displeasingly independent election,
consigning yet another
population to penury,

at the very same time
our nooses are strung
so invitingly
around those inherently evil people
born in Russia, Iran, and China,

and the skyrocketing
profits of Armageddon
beckon so brightly
from the glossy pages
of self-indulgent,
suicidal prospectuses.)

this talking with,
instead of threatening,
the Russians,
who've embarrassed our terror spin
once again

(by actually taking territory AWAY from ISIS),

was perhaps the ONLY tattered shred
of questionable evidence
that the 45th corporate representative
of the insanely profitable military machine
wasn't intent on destroying
every vestige of humanity
his piggy eyes can see.

but no president since Eisenhower
has successfully waylaid
the war plans,

er…"foreign policy",

of the Deep State's
"exception" pivoting
(from sea to oily sea),

un-elected and irremovable,
of "Defense".

and they're NOT going to let it happen now.


there can be all kinds of dissension
amoungst the Empire's minions.

(indeed, as Noam Chomsky points out,
that's how the rumours of Democracy spread.)

but stepping away
from a lockstep subservience
to the manifestly infested,
unquestioned myth
of America's
divinely predestined
Right to Rule the World

is NEVER tolerated.

that is, in fact, why Martin Luther King
was taken from us.

of course the Russians,
and every other government capable of it,
spy on each other.

all diseased people
who feel the need to lead
turn out to be paranoid.

it's quite the nature of the beast.

and this unrelenting insistence
on secrecy
(thus preempting
the unthinkable situation
of an honestly informed Citizenry)

coupled with
an exponentially expanding,
virtually limitless
eavesdropping on us

is the precedent
our very own
"transparency president" set
(at an astronomical, "1984"-shaming level).

but blaming our fiasco of an election
on Boris and Natasha,
notwithstanding its fashionable nod
to McCarthy's apple-pie,
righter-than-white tradition,

is a desperate and pathetic slap
of last ditch projection.

a refusal to face
what several decades
of bipartisan defunding
of the commons
was all about.

a denial par excellence
of the quadrennial circus'
descending death rattle
dearth of choice.

an acrobatic avoidance
of the 'Democratic' un-Democratic
primary race,

the FBI's final-hour,
branch-breaching sneak attack,

and the graceless coup de grace
of Hillary casting aspersions
on the very people she needed
to cast swing votes
for her.

if it's so upsetting to contemplate
the latest hatching of
congenitally disingenuous,
purchasable persons

discussing invariably
inter-conspiratorial relations
with their Russian counterparts,

why wasn't there a REVOLUTION
when the courageous,
recovered acolyte

(Edward Snowden),

that fugitive from American-style "justice"
held at bay by 'liberal' yapping hounds,
informed us that President Obama

(he who chased him to the ends of the earth)

was sharing all of our private and personal,
communications and data
with the "five eyes"

(the national spy outfits of Britain,
Australia, New Zealand, and Canada)?

can it be that this
ridiculously misplaced thing
called 'patriotism'

(this fear-based grist
for manufacturing walls
between human beings)

only gets offended,
or swells into deputized censors
when the 'foreigners'
raising our
eternally vigilant eyebrows

don't speak English?

funny, that.
**** * * ****

- Evan Hawthorn, the 26th of February, 2017

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