Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Thursday, October 19, 2017

That Strange Slanted Focus That Makes America Always Right (a wading upstream through a mainlined narrative)

Vladimir Putin oversaw the resuscitation
of life in orphaned Russia
after the earth-shattering onslaught
of the Western Corporate feeding frenzy and blitzkrieg,
inflicted in a caper
of capitalist collusion
with that inebriated puppet Boris Yeltsin,
crashing life expectancy by over a decade
back in the glory days
of Bill Clinton's immaculate interference
in other peoples' elections.

(of course, no one in America cared.)

(in a related undevelopment,

our Haitian cousins still yearn
for their beloved Aristide.)

there's an actual reason for those

consistently astronomical
donkey in the manger and elephant's eye-goggling
approval ratings
that easily defeats that peculiarly American
ill-informed myopic miasma
peering through exceptional veils
with its utter lack of grasping
that "others" employ logic
of their own.

catch Oliver Stone's

audacious un-American interviews
with this complicated and cosmopolitan, savvy diplomat
before buying in to the
incessant demonization of all things Putin
brought to you
by our abdicated media
and the war machine's right and righter,
preening imperial flanks.

amoungst the many reasons for this

blame-gaming distraction
wherein our 17
unquestioningly trusted
sudden fell sproutings
of assassins and spies
have closed their
constitution-cloaking ranks
with the Party that pretends it's Democratic
in a fresh-yet-stale round
of no holds barred,
Boris Badenov flavoured,
relentlessly vicious
bipolar projection

is his astonishing knack for

embarrassing the Demented Beacon's
revolving charlatan "leaders",
taking them at their word
when he doused the rocket's red glare
along Obama's scarlet line

or, showing up by invitation

to turn the tables on ISIS
whilst that eternal unwanted haunt,
"humanity's last hope",
was pretending to fight them
(raking in the billions
from their omni-directional, winking stash
of exponentially proliferating weapons).

on the other slight of hand,

all the fear-spewing dealers
in our "Competing Orwellian Ministries of Truth"*
absolutely hate RT,
which calls them out
for their dearth of ironic forethought
far too often,
and reveals the mockery of Democracy
that informs our "free press".

(as an aside,

Mr. Putin does NOT control Russia's media,
even half so well,
as our homeland-spinning oligarchs control ours.
there's ACTUAL debate
(beyond our narrowly cracked, sliver of window)
on some Russian programs
that puts our boxed-in schlock to shame.)

as far as the Make Our Day Lords of Profit are concerned,

there can be no independent nations on this planet,
especially those who can fight back
and so his days,
and ours,
are numbered.

thanks to a flickering host

of irresolute and inscrutable stars
he's been patiently,
oh! so sanely resisting
the doomsday provocations
incessantly flung across his borders
by our election-immune pack
of rabidly salivating
regime-changing wolves
for a tiresome, exasperating
unhinged string
of red and blue tinged years.

his deliverance of the Russian-speaking populace

in the reboundingly gifted Crimea
from the threatening clutches
of those real modern day nazi-saluting fascists
Hillary's minions brazenly enabled in the Ukraine coup
(before slapping the hands
of their incipient namesakes in America)

was the looked for, heroic response

to an overwhelming referendum
of terrified Crimean residents,
(the sort of thing we acknowledge
when it suits our owners' interests)
making him the apple
of Mother Russia's eye

thus diverging from the coterie
of wholly owned subsidiaries
in the Washington Consensus
of corporate serving
prevaricating interests
once again.

compared to our flagrantly illegal,

preternaturally presumptuous
seven hundredth plague
of smashing intrusion,
it was accomplished
with a swift
and painlessly bloodless

despite his ghoulish catering
to that slow to peter out
humanity-denying and demeaning
religion-ensconced homophobia,

and the obvious fact that,

along with all "World Leaders"
he was vetted by miserly
silver sucking monsters
and bred in humanity's
bottom rung of parasites,

he nevertheless manages to pirouette

diplomatic circles
around our blazing saddle,
addled and paddle-less chorus
of stone-bleeding amnesiacs
and brokered, broken asses.

(a tidy piece of work, that

for such a blunted, stunted brute.)


but i digress
when i should be addressing
America's stumbling
slumbering dreamers...

oh say, can thou yet see?

how wilt thy Commonwealth
ever find itself
while wearing binary blinders?

while crowning "good" on an executioner's hood?

while allowing thy gaze

to be filtered
by Alice-in-Wonderland's
genetically modified looking-glass?

while rummaging through ruses

in Felix the Cat's
stroke us with hocus
redacting sack of distractions?

if it's bandied about

in their papers,

bleated by their talking bubbles,

trumpeted by oilyphants,

or baited with emotion

in righteously braying photo ops
by the recently re-branded
born-again McCarthyists
and CIA-receiving resisters

it's what they want you to think.


every single time.

the usurpers of stolen "homelands",

dapper dispensers
that pander "indispensableness",
thrift shifting inventors of whiteness,
and proselytizing
profit-toting preachers
of the promised land of needing plenty

are entirely capable

of destroying life on earth
and popping hemorrhaging holes
in their "Democracy-loving" delusions
without the least
bit of help
from anybody else.

even if the usual suspect isn't entirely blameless

(and looks a lot

like them.)

and precisely because
are dependably susceptible

to the famed, enameled proclaiming

that inflames the same herds
it's intended to tame;

that compelling,

projected re-framing

of denial-beguiled blame.

* ***** ** **** * ******* * **** ** *****
- Evan Hawthorn, the 20th of October, 2017

*["Competing Orwellian Ministries of Truth" is a fresh setting of a gem i borrowed from the goodly Professor Hamid Dabashi]

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