Evan Hawthorn's Blog

Evan Hawthorn's Blog
(visual aid by Christian Schloe)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jack the Ripper's broken mirror * (a dreamtime meme from the Cheshire Cat's other brother) *

how perfectly
their bent pretense

conforms with that
law deriding

consistently evinced
by America's perverse
terminally rehearsed

incessantly tensed,
prehensile fenced
nonsensical sense of "Defense".

the exact trajectory
Malice in Plunderland's
vainglorious looking glass
would seem to suggest

works best

for aiming cameras
and tailoring verse,

focusing illusion
on outcome's inverse;

the artful deflection
at profit's behest

unpinning the hearse
from the tax vipers' nest

of the vested interests'
incorporated purse.

'tis but the Mad Hatter's
Freudian infection

of reverse-vectored
and funhouse

the diversionary

of the Times and the Post

recommended by
17 of 17
eavesdropping squads

of tinkers, assassins,
and body snatching pods

so endearing to
gullible 'resisters',
McCarthy's inquisitors,
and the 'liberal' Masters of War

as featured
in the premiere issue
of the Queen of Hearts'
Stolen Tarts
mother of distraction
fact redacting handbook,

the regime-change quarterly
for the planners and fanners
of Debilitating Duopoly,
"Homeland" Monopoly,
and all the other

fakers and stakers
in that border hoarding,
apple pie in a pig's eye
do unto others

shining from its gentrified,
on that lesser-ogled
and sickly
off-green hill.


this directional

is discernible in every facet

the myopia-manacled,
machocidal beacon's
buffed and cuffed,
karma-curdled culture produces

like a cancerous
omnicidal DNA
rotting all the
whitewashed structures
that normalize gore

to their privilege-glossed,
exception-ridden core;

from the March Hare's
errant blaring
on arrogated airwaves

that eveready terror
perpetually mounting
its remunerating wares

to those fan-faired,
intelligence impaired
feel good affairs

scaring up
and copycat scares;

from that obsessive
idée fixe of "foreign relations"

high tech hammer
from Felix's self-absorbing
patriotic bag
of stick waving pricks

to the endless regurgitation
of superfluous 'crime' dramas,
demonized extras
till the next commercial break;

from genocidal idols
in Western bromance bromides
evaporating vinyl indians
in the venerated vintage
vaults of assault

to Superpower wowers
of pitiless and posable, 
cookie cutter Heroes
in those monochrome fixations
and "fantasy" flicks;

from the pentagon paragon
persecution complex
where United Nations notions
get nullified and nixed

to those alzheimer-riddling
"history" books,
discovery coquetries,
and pbs pampering pimps

where propaganda potions
for good-intentioned
conventions and convictions
are mixed;

from its suicidal lineup
of sacrificial soldiers

and We the People holdup
of Commons-snuffing budgets

hooked through
banked and planked,
plaqued and flacked
bipartisan arteries
and m(isl)edia IVs

to the protection racket's
expanding scaffolding
of erectile enhancement,
"full spectrum dominance",

and all the other
fictionalized trappings
and blowback bric-a-brac
of proportional dysfunction.

all fashionable and actionable,
recognisable ramblings
of the same psychotic,
unravelling thread

that ripples warping nightmares
in the weave of spreading dread

smothering the future
in the beacon's unmade bed

where zombies in shackles
arrive in freedom's stead

shunted like rats

in the sleepwalking ruts
of coercion's undead tread.


alas! Jack the Ripper!

if only vulnerability
didn't float your boat

and wee willy syndrome
wasn't yanking on your goat

you could finally stop seeing
those limitless
helpless victims

bobbing in
your trademarked
'protecting freedom' nets

as bottom bleeding


resurfacing as threats.

* ***** * ******* * ******* * ***** *
Evan Hawthorn, the 7th of March, 2018

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